Marsh Harrier sighting - 19 May 2011

Went for a (quick) circular walk around the outside of the reserve early evening of Thursday 19 May.

Walked up to the viewing screen, in hindsight wish I'd been more stealthy. Once there, a Marsh Harrier took off from immediately in front of the screen c. 15m distant and flew half left before banking/diving down into a new position in the reeds.

A first for me so elated. Can't confirm gender/age of bird but gut feeling is that it was an adult rather than a juvenile.





  • Brilliant stuff,

    Great to get such a close view for your first Marsh Harrier, it's the most recent record and good to hear as we are watching closely to see if they set up breeding this year as they did for the first time in 2010.

    Any more sightings do let us know as they are really helpful!

    Thanks again


    RSPB Site Manager

    float like a butterfly