Any Good Sightings At Greylake?

I'm thinking of visiting very soon, any good sightings recently or would it be better to go to Ham Wall or Shapwick ?


  • Hi Lauren

    Exciting news - we've had a great white egret standing for days on end enjoying his feet in the water in the central pond, so this would be a great place to visit at the moment.  This weekend there was a pair of peregrines on view aswell as merlin and hen harrier, probably due to the ever increasing number of ducks and waders arriving, many of which can be seen comfortably from the hide.  We've opened up the water areas and created lovely muddy banks for food foraging.  And now that we have our new reedbed loop, you can take an extended stroll out into the reserve reedbeds.  

    If you're interested, we've a Birdwatching for Beginners event on Sunday 20 November at 10am.  Call 07774 620879 if you'd like to book a place.  Happy birdwatching!

    Trish Harper - Reserves Administrator

    Trish Harper