• Sightings through the fog

    We've had some pretty foggy days this week, but as the weather cleared towards the end of the week some really fantastic sightings cropped up. More winter arrivals are being spotted, with whooper swans and golden plover both being spotted around the Flashes.

    Whooper swan - Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

    Out on the lagoons, goldeneye, snipe, little egrets, goosanders and great crested grebes are all being spotted…

  • Watching for nuthatches

    Yesterday I was lucky enough to see not one, but two nuthatches darting backwards and forwards from the shrubs to the feeders in the Wildlife Garden. I’d never seen a nuthatch before coming to Fairburn Ings, so I still find it very exciting when I see that flash of blue! I highly recommend sitting out on the balcony with a cup of tea for a while and keeping an eye out for them.

    Nuthatch - Ray Kennedy (rspb-images…

  • First two months at Fairburn Ings

    It’s really lovely to be on a wetland again. After spending the first six months of my warden internship in a woodland it’s great to hear the ducks, geese and waders again. Of which Fairburn Ings seems to have plenty. Something else it has which I’d never seen before was the gorgeous willow tit which Fairburn is very lucky to have on the feeders. Autumn is taking hold and signs can be seen everywhere…

  • The day of the white buzzard

    We had a couple of interesting sightings one after the other yesterday. First up was the mythical sounding white buzzard. Yesterday afternoon, up went the cry of "white buzzard!", and so off everyone rushed to the front of the centre. With binoculars at the ready, we stood scanning the trees and sure enough, perched on a tree over the road from the visitor centre was a white (ish) buzzard! As we were trying to decide…

  • Winter visitors

    Lets talk ducks! We’re starting to see more winter visitors arriving, with goldeneyes and tufted ducks being seen. Elsewhere on the water, little egrets, great crested grebes and pintails are still being spotted regularly.

    Goldeneye - Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

    Tufted duck - Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

    Bearded tits have been the star of the show this week, having been spotted hopping around in the reeds at Big Hole…

  • Autumn days

    There’s something very autumnal about the weather these days, and I’m finding myself digging out my woolly scarf and thermal socks in preparation for the chilly mornings. I’m sensing that the dreaded de-icing of the car in the dark is just around the corner too. Things warm up pretty quickly as the day goes on though, and this weekend has actually been beautifully sunny. With the leaves definitely beginning to change…

  • What's outside the office window today

    I’m sitting in the office trying to concentrate on writing this post, but with the goings on of the birds in the hedge outside the window, it’s proving very tricky. In the last half hour I’ve seen goldfinches, great tits, blue tits, wrens, willow tits and tree sparrows. There’s also a very defensive young robin that I see several times a day, chasing off anything that gets too close, and even had an…

  • Recent Sightings and a hello from me!

    Hello there! I think it’s definitely about time I introduced myself. My name is Laura and I’m the new Visitor Experience Intern at Fairburn Ings. After spending the first 5 months of my internship with the puffins at RSPB Bempton Cliffs, I’ve moved back in land and am going to be here for the final 6 months. I'm originally from Huddersfield, so it really is lovely to be back in this neck of the woods and I’m really looking…

  • Thank you Fairburn Ings! - Goodbye from the Visitor Experience Intern

    I can’t believe it’s already September... Today is my last day as the visitor intern here at Fairburn Ings! I’ll be moving out of the volunteer house later today ready for my move just down the road to Old Moor for the final 6 months of my internship.

    I’ve been involved with loads of different things during my time here; writing the (almost weekly!) recent sightings blogs and manning the reserves social…

  • Awesome August Sightings

    Sightings blogs have been a bit thin on the ground recently, apologies for that! We’re back in the swing of things after our Big Wild Sleepout and I’ve got lots to tell you about.

    There’ve been lots of different waders to be found at the minute especially over the Flashes.  Look out for green sandpiper, common sandpiper, curlew and dunlin. There’s also been a few black-tailed godwits knocking about,…

  • A big adventure... Big Wild Sleepout!

    “How did you sleep on Saturday night?” I, along with nearly 100 others, slept out on the reserve as part of Big Wild Sleepout at the weekend. Woken by geese honking, and some people, peeking from their tents in the morning, glimpsed roe deer grazing amongst dew soaked grasses.

    View of the Pickup campsite on the landscape.  Thanks to Liberty Monkman for the photo

    It all kicked off at 12pm on the Saturday…

  • Big Wild Sleepout is very nearly here!!

    Everyone at Fairburn Ings is getting super excited which can only mean one thing – it’s nearly Big Wild Sleepout time! I hope everyone’s ready; have you got your tent (do you know how to put it up?) and your torches at the ready? I’ve spent all week asking every friend and family member if they have a tent I can borrow and have ended up with a pop up thing that I’ll be struggling to put down!…

  • Summer holidays are here!

    The summer holidays are here, as I’m sure you can tell as the visitor centre is full of the sounds of children playing and the thundering of footsteps from the tree house! That doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty of wildlife to see though!

    It’s not been a bad week for waders; green and common sandpipers have been seen at Pickup, dunlin from Lin Dike and on Main Bay, as well as a few black-tailed godwits…

  • Weasel wrestling and other recent sightings!

    You might have seen some weasel acrobatics on our Facebook and Twitter feeds in the past couple of days – if you missed it you really should take a look as its some great footage.  The way to tell the difference between a weasel and a stoat (other than the size difference) is that a stoat has a black tipped tail, so we know these guys were weasels not stoats. 

    Weasels thanks to Gordon Lane!

    Also this week we’ve…

  • Bonkers for Butterflies

    It’s not been long since my last recent sightings blog, thanks to my last post being 3 days late (sorry about that!).  Not a lot has changed bird wise but I’ve plenty of butterflies to tell you about!

    Birds up first - on New Flash you can see wood sandpiper, black-tailed godwit and snipe.  A barn owl has also been seen over the flashes.  At Lin Dike there are both adult and juvenile little ringed plovers to…

  • Sunny sightings from the first week of July!

    July is upon us and the reports of a heatwave appear to have been true! It’s been wall to wall sunshine (plus a few thunderstorms) here this week and there have been plenty of things to see.

    There’s been loads of activity over at Lin Dike, so I’ll start there.  There’s been wood sandpiper and green sandpiper spotted from the hide; a green sandpiper has also been seen on spoonbill flash and even from…

  • Have you seen the avocet chicks yet?

    If you’ve visited us in the past couple of weeks chances are you’ll have been treated to some wonderful views of avocets and their chicks (and you’ll know how excited we all are about it!).  Avocet chicks are completely adorable; tiny little bundles of fuzz with a miniature bill on these little legs!

    How cute are they? Photos thanks to Time Jones.

    There are three chicks visible from Pickup hide…

  • Green versus Great spotted...and other recent sightings

    Another week has passed and we are fast approaching July which (allegedly) will kick off with a heat wave!  A perfect opportunity to get out, enjoy the warmth and spot some wildlife, and there’s plenty to see at Fairburn Ings!

    One of my favourite stories of the past week came from a couple I met down at the feeder screen.  They told me they’d seen a green woodpecker bullying great spotted woodpeckers off the…

  • Welcome...to Fairburn Ings.

    The world has gone a bit dinosaur mad at the moment with the release of the newest Jurassic Park film - well we have plenty of modern-day dinos here at Fairburn Ings!  Looking at some birds it isn’t hard to see their dinosaur lineage; cormorants are probably one of the most pre-historic looking birds we have on the reserve – they look like pterodactyls flying overhead.

    Cormorant - Andy Hay (rspb-images.com…

  • Recent Sightings: You'll be green with envy

    We’ve had a blast of summer this week (looking out the window today it’s hard to believe), with plenty of sunshine and balmy temperatures! The British weather may be unpredictable, but that doesn’t stop some of us from getting out there to see what’s about no matter what’s thrown at us. So with that, here are the latest sightings from Fairburn Ings.

    The regulars are still down at Lin Dike;…

  • Bittern and butterflies... and other recent sightings

    It’s been a lovely sunny and dare I say warm weekend here at Fairburn Ings, with plenty of people paying us a visit over the past couple of days.  There’s been lots of different wildlife about for people to spot; over at the pond dipping platforms there are some huge tadpoles (or so I’ve been told by some of our excitable younger visitors)!

    There’s been lots of activity down at Lin Dike, with fairly…

  • My first month and a bit of being an RSPB intern!

    Hi all, I’m Tallulah and I’m the new Visitor Experience Intern here at Fairburn.  I’ve been here for about a month now, and some of you may have seen me in the visitor center so thought I’d introduce myself. I’m fairly local to Fairburn, coming about 20 minutes up the A1 from Doncaster.  I’ve spent the last 3 years studying biology at the University of York and took up a job as a waitress before…

  • Chicks, Kingfishers and Cuckoos...and other Recent Sightings

    BBC Springwatch is finally back on our tellies!  It’s a great way to inspire people to get out and about to discover all the wildlife that lives near them.   Here are some of the recent sightings from Fairburn from the last week.

    Spring is well and truly here judging by the number of chicks around! A lot of you will have seen our blue tit chicks from the nest box camera; they are doing well even with the scares from…

  • A Special Guest...and other Recent Sightings

    We've had a very special visitor causing quite a stir this week at Fairburn – if you've visited us in the past week or so you may have heard us all talking about our guest or you may even have had the chance to see it for yourself!  I even briefly mentioned this wonderful bird in last week’s blog! Drum roll please... It is of course the spectacular spoonbill! We’ve had daily sightings of this impressive bird;…

  • Dawn Chorus Walk - Sunday 17 May

    I’ll confess as my alarm began blaring at 5 am on Sunday morning I did wake up in a very confused state of mind.  As someone only recently out of her student days, 5 am still seemed like the middle of the night (which begins at about 3 am and lasts through to about 11 am!). But it appears I was mistaken; the sun was rising and the dawn chorus was in full swing – hardly the middle of the night!

    Arriving at…