There’s something very autumnal about the weather these days, and I’m finding myself digging out my woolly scarf and thermal socks in preparation for the chilly mornings. I’m sensing that the dreaded de-icing of the car in the dark is just around the corner too. Things warm up pretty quickly as the day goes on though, and this weekend has actually been beautifully sunny. With the leaves definitely beginning to change colour and bright berries everywhere you look, this is a really lovely time of year to go for a walk around the reserve and soak up some fresh, autumnal goodness.

Following my own advice, yesterday I took my lunch and went for a wander up onto the new Coal Tips trail. It forks off from the Lin Dike trail, and takes you up and around the old slag heaps, with great views of the three lagoons and the wider reserve. There have been lots of reported sightings of green woodpeckers and it’s a particularly good place to see marsh harriers as they sweep up and over the bank.

Green woodpecker - John Bridges (

At Pickup, willow tits are being seen more often on the feeders, and it’s a particularly good place to see kingfishers and snipe at the moment.

The winter migration is getting started, with large numbers of pink footed geese flying over head, and redwing starting to arrive in small numbers on the reserve. Keep an eye out for more migratory species as the season goes on.

Redwing - Chris Gomersall (

Pink footed geese - Andy Hay (

That's all for recent sightings this week! If you've taken any fantastic photos at the reserve recently, we'd love to see them! Feel free to send them to us either by Facebook (RSPB West Yorks) or Twitter (@fairburnings), along with your name, and we'll put them up on the big screen in the centre.

- Laura