We've had some pretty foggy days this week, but as the weather cleared towards the end of the week some really fantastic sightings cropped up. More winter arrivals are being spotted, with whooper swans and golden plover both being spotted around the Flashes.

Whooper swan - Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

Out on the lagoons, goldeneye, snipe, little egrets, goosanders and great crested grebes are all being spotted regularly. Stonechats are also being seen more often. Listen out for their distinctive call that sounds like two stones being knocked together.

Stonechat - Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

There was an exciting sighting of a short-eared owl at Spoonbill flash, looking a bit bedraggled sitting on a fence post in the torrential rain. Winter brings an influx of these beautiful birds from the continent, so keep a close eye out for them!

Finally, picture of the week goes to this fantastic photo of a peregrine falcon perched on top of a pylon near Lin Dike. It swooped up there after taking out an unlucky lapwing, and sat there munching on it's catch before being chased off by a mob of crows. Nature at it's most gruesome finest!

Peregrine falcon – Darren Starkey

That's all for this week!

- Laura