• Blooming good wildflowers

    Summer is arriving - in fits and starts - but the variable weather we have had of late doesn't stop the wildflowers from blooming. Wildflowers are appearing all over Dungeness, with an amazing display on the seaward side of The Parade rolling into Coast Drive down to the point. Wildflowers are extremely important for our pollinating insects and without them, nothing would survive. 

    White-tailed bumblebee on Vipers…

  • Summer is here!

    This week we've been enjoying visits from families during half-term. They've been taking part in some of our pond dipping sessions. We've found lots of exciting creatures under the water including; water scorpions, medicinal leeches, newts and their tadpoles, marsh frog tadpoles, great diving beetle larvae, lots of nymphs and water boatmen. 

    Many of our summer birds of prey, the hobby have been seen over…

  • Some May sunshine and spring flowers

    The reserve is starting to bloom with wildflowers! Foxgloves have sprouted all over the trail and look really stunning, particularly in contrast with the gorse which has just finished flowering. Look out for the pink pom-poms that are thrift and the sea of red across the vegetated shingle area which is sorrel. 

    One of my favourites, bird's foot trefoil is also flowering now and look out for the tiny red flowers of the…

  • Take a closer look - Binocular and telescope events May to September 2019

    Thinking of buying binoculars or a telescope? 

    Whether you know a bit or don't know where to start, come to the RSPB Dungeness Visitor Centre and get some hands on advice from our friendly, knowledgeable team and have the chance to try the products out.

    We are holding binocular and telescope events from May to September (dates below)

    We stock the RSPB range of binoculars and telescopes, including the top of the range…

  • A flurry of seabirds and waders

    Many birds have settled down to nest, but some are still migrating through. Over the last couple of weeks we have seen a huge increase in common terns (we have over 150 on the reserve at the moment) as well as waders who are passing through to feed. A treat on a miserable, wet and windy Wednesday was over 50 black terns coming in and feeding over Burrowes Pit for the duration of the day. The next day they had all disappeared…

  • Easter eggs-travaganza!

    Happy St Georges day to you all!

    During the scorcher of the Easter weekend, we've had an absolutely phenomenal time of bird sightings!

    Migration is happening and birds are flying in thick and fast. Over 500 sand martins have been seen at once over the reserve amongst swallows and house martins too. Sedge warblers are singing around the reserve along with the Cetti's and the chiffchaffs.

    A pair of black-winged…

  • Spring in full swing

    As the weather looks set to improve drastically over the next week or so, now is the best time to start planning a trip to Dungeness! Spring migration is in full swing and we have had sightings of swallows, wheatear, sedge warbler and garganey. The juvenile common crane is still hanging about the Denge Marsh area. Many birds are displaying and pairing up now for the spring. 

    Mute swan pair - Louise Kelly

    Wheatear - Graham…

  • A busy time at Dungeness

    Dungeness is warming up again, after some strong winds and cooler weather over the past two weeks, we have had some much calmer, dryer and warmish days.

    Our mining bees are back!  Dungeness has one of only two of the Andrena Vaga colonies in the UK. They can be seen busily zipping about all over the bank just before Dennis' hide on a sunny afternoon. They can easily be observed from the path, try not to disturb them as…

  • Recent sightings at RSPB Dungeness

    Over the last few weeks we've had varying weather and also varying wildlife to go with it. Many birds became rather excited about the warm weather and have been displaying, house hunting (prospecting for nest sites) and singing. Views outside the window of our visitor centre have been entertaining with groups of teal, shoveller and goldeneye displaying in their different ways. We've had house sparrows and great tits prospecting…

  • Take a closer look – 10% off RSPB binoculars and telescopes - Binocular and telescope events March 2019

    10% off RSPB binoculars and telescopes between 27/02/2019 and 19/03/2019

    Thinking of buying binoculars or a telescope? 

    Whether you know a bit or don't know where to start, come to the RSPB Dungeness Visitor Centre and get some hands on advice from our friendly, knowledgeable team and have the chance to try the products out.

    We are holding binocular and telescope events in March (dates below)

    We stock the RSPB range…

  • Warmer weather gets wildlife all a-flutter

    So, after approximately 2 weeks of 'winter' we are now experiencing balmy temperatures of 15 degrees C again! I'm confused and so is nature. Songbirds are starting to sing, magpies have started to gather twigs for nests, trees are in bud and butterflies and bumblebees have been seen around. A report of two swallows seen in the area came in this week and people are witnessing mating displays from great crested grebes and…

  • The smew has finally arrived!

    We are pleased (and a little relieved!) that a beautiful drake smew has decided to grace our presence on the reserve this winter. He's very mobile and has been constantly moving around the different water pits. If you're visiting, please check at the visitor centre to where he has last been seen.

    I'd also like to remind our visitors to please stick to the paths when visiting the reserve. Hides and viewpoints allow…

  • The beauty of bleakness

    Dungeness can be rather bleak in the winter time, with bare, wide open shingle, grey skies and leafless trees. Some people can't see any beauty in it at all, whereas others can and flock to be here during the quieter winter time. This week has been an exceptional mix of moody skies, frosty ground as well as bright blue sky and blazing sunshine. some cold weather has finally hit us and there's more activity as birds are…

  • Take a closer look – binocular and telescope events February and March 2019

    Thinking of buying binoculars or a telescope? 

    Whether you know a bit or don't know where to start, come to the RSPB Dungeness Visitor Centre and get some hands on advice from our friendly, knowledgeable team and have the chance to try the products out.

    We are holding binocular and telescope events in February and March (dates below)

    We stock the RSPB range of binoculars and telescopes, including the top of the range…

  • January updates from Dungeness

    We’ve spent a bit of time this month at Lade Pits which is our newest addition to the reserve (taken over from CEMEX in 2015). Removing graffiti from the old railway bridge has been our main job. It’s nowhere near finished as it is a tiresome and labour intensive job, but it's looking a lot better! We’ve also been enhancing the entrance ways to the reserve as well as clearing and widening pathways. In the future we hope…

  • Be kinder to nature in 2019!

    Whilst we were enjoying the festive season, (most probably staying cosy in our homes, under a blanket and feeling stuffed but saying ‘go on then it’s Christmas’ and helping ourselves to another mince pie) nature outside of our warm brick buildings are living the life and death battle every day.

    As we feasted on turkeys (or vegetarian alternatives) this Christmas, our wildlife is hunting and being hunted…

  • Grab a bargain at our sale

    Need a last minute Christmas gift - grab a bargain with our sale offers – reductions on gifts as well as calendars, Christmas crackers, wrapping paper and napkins

    The visitor centre and shop at the RSPB Dungeness Nature Reserve is open daily from 10am to 4pm (closed Christmas Day and Boxing Day).

  • Take a closer look – binocular and telescope events January 2019 plus new Harrier binoculars

    Thinking of buying binoculars or a telescope? 

    Whether you know a bit or don't know where to start, come to the RSPB Dungeness Visitor Centre and get some hands on advice from our friendly, knowledgeable team and have the chance to try the products out.

    We are holding binocular and telescope events in January (dates below)

    As an extra incentive to pop in we have now received in store the new RSPB Harrier binoculars

  • Merry Christmas from RSPB Dungeness

    It'll be my last blog post before Christmas but I'll be back the weekend after to give you an update on what I've missed at the reserve. Bird activity on the reserve has been fairly quiet in recent weeks, northern Europe could do with a good blast of freezing weather to send the ducks down here. Wigeon, pintail and goldeneye numbers are fairly low and we have yet to see a smew here on the reserve which is very…

  • Wonderful Winter Fair!

    On Sunday we hosted our third annual Winter Fair here in the Dungeness Visitor Centre. This year it was bigger and better than ever! With local craft and art stalls selling their wares, mulled wine a-plenty, a brilliant raffle with LOTS of prizes and tables for children's activities such as making Christmas cards and bird feeders, there was plenty to do on the day!

    Thanks to everyone who came and supported us, bought…

  • Fire and Gold in a landscape of grey

    This week, we've barely seen the sun. However, we have had a few good bird sightings to make up for it - particularly today!

    Firecrests and goldcrests are everywhere at the moment, often seen in our Discovery Area in the gorse bushes, by the bird feeders in the car park and over in the Willow Trail at the ARC. These tiny and beautiful birds are seen more often this time of year as we get large numbers of winter migrants…

  • Take a closer look – binocular and telescope events December 2018

    Thinking of buying binoculars or a telescope? 

    Whether you know a bit or don't know where to start, come to the RSPB Dungeness Visitor Centre and get some hands on advice from our friendly, knowledgeable team and have the chance to try the products out.

    We are holding binocular and telescope events from end of November through to beginning of January (dates below)

    We stock the RSPB range of binoculars and telescopes…

  • Black Friday offers

    Grab a bargain with our Black Friday deals – reductions on gifts as well as calendars, Christmas crackers, wrapping paper and napkins until 4th December 2018

    The visitor centre and shop at the RSPB Dungeness Nature Reserve is open daily from 10am to 4pm.

  • Winter Waterfowl

    I think we were all a bit shocked by the cold wet weather and freezing wind which has hit us here at Dungeness this week. However, much needed rainfall has helped raise the water levels of the pits and also wet up our fields a bit too. 

    Bewick's swans have arrived at Dungeness; a small group of 5 birds have been seen almost daily on the reserve. Bewick's swans spend their summers in Russia, they are the smallest swans…

  • The Smew have arrived!

    Yesterday, we had our first sighting of three female smew on Burrowes Pit. Smew is a winter visitor in small numbers from Scandinavia and Russia. Sometimes birds move here from Holland and Denmark to escape freezing weather there and will get to the southern most points of the UK to rest and feed over the winter. Approximately 180 birds winter in the UK and little is known about the bird on their breeding grounds. Dungeness…