
Welcome one and all to the Boyton Marshes group.

Boyton is a small but perfectly formed wet grassland site on the serene Suffolk Coast. The reserve is situated in a fantastically scenic location where the Butley river meets the Alde/Ore Estuary. From the river walls you can look across the water to Havergate Island and Orford Ness beyond.

The site holds a fantastic diversity of species with lapwing and redshank nesting in the spring and hundreds of wintering wildfowl and waders. We also get our fair share of rare avian visitors, the highlight last year must have been the three glossy ibis which were very obliging for the birders that came to see them.

If you have any questions regarding Boyton or any other of the sites around the Alde/Ore estuary please post them and I will be more than happy to reply.


Aaron, Site Manager