Arne Spring Time Sweepstake !!!

A lot of us still see February as the end of Winter, but not me, I like to be an optimist., and it's literally a matter of days before the the earliest Summer migrants start to arrive back. If you look over past records, early summer migrants are quite common. Take for example 2009 when Dorset's first Sand Martin of the summer arrived on the 19th of February, and in the same year Portland's first Wheatear of the spring popped up on  March 1st. Dorset even has records of Redstart appearing as early as 23rd of Feb!!!

Lets get a bit of interaction on here and have a bit of a sweepstake as to when the iconic signs of Spring arrive......

For example......

First Chiffchaff singing

First Blackcap singing

First Osprey sighting

First Woodlark calling 

First Sand Martin/Wheatear etc....