Hello All,
I seem to remember you guys had a Dutch rung Spoonbill staying with you last Autumn/Winter. Well anyway to keep the story short up here in Elmley Kent we have had a Dutch rung Spoonbill , it might be interesting to see if it makes it way down to Poole.
I have followed the blogs all year and hope to see you soon.
All the best
Don't think so.
coloures bands look the same Dom..same pattern and colour..
Capturing the Light with an original perspective displayed in every Photograph..perhaps
Thanks Dom & Nikon4Pete,
Very interesting, same ringers with different configuration's possibly ?.
Both these crops come from the same single photo of a group of 14 birds.
Hello Dorset Snapper,
Thanks for posting. You can clearly see the colours.
Can anyone make out any writing on the rings?
Hehe - nope!
Incidentally the osprey hanging around in Brands Bay last month was also ringed - a blue ring on its left leg. Again, couldn't read the numbers but I think Roy Dennis was saying the colour indicates which country it was ringed in, so any idea which that would be?
The bird in question with a blue ring on left leg. Unfortunately I couldn't read the ring either.
Is it still there?? I got this one on 1 October: