Five ways to help nature this autumn

RSPB Scotland’s Allie McGregor shares five ways we can help nature this autumn.

Five ways to help nature this autumn

Feed the birds

There are lots of seeds and berries available for birds in autumn but as colder and darker days approach you may start to see increasing numbers at your feeders. This is a great way to offer a helping hand to birds while also treating yourself to seeing some more wildlife visitors.

You can check out all our top tips for opening a bird café here.

Leave the garden messy

hedgehog emerging from pile of fallen leaves

Resist the urge to tidy the garden too much as mammals and insects look for cosy places to settle ahead of winters arrival. Piling up dead wood or fallen leaves can create a snug home for wildlife and leaving seedheads standing can provide some food for birds and shelter for minibeasts.

Ensure birds have reliable access to water

Access to safe water is essential for birds in all weather. You can build a bird bath or buy one to give garden visitors a helping hand.

At this time of year we are beginning to approach the challenge of keeping bird baths ice free (brrr). It’s important not to use salt or de-icer in your bird bath! Try warm water or knock ice out to replace with fresh water.

dunnock perched on the edge of a bird bath

Make a small space for nature

Many of us don’t have gardens to create space for wildlife, but there are little things you can do in a smaller space to help. I don’t have my own garden, but my bedroom window looks out to a neighbour’s garden with visiting wildlife. I recently attached a window feeder and now I get non-stop visits from coal tits at my window!

If you have a balcony it’s another great space you can open up for wildlife! As well as feeders you might even have space for a bird bath or a small bug hotel.

Reduce waste

Whether it’s food, plastic, or something like clothing or electronics, why not pledge to cut down on waste this season?

This is the perfect time of year to shove everything into a soup and freeze it to save on food waste. If you're doing a wardrobe clear out after realising you didn't wear most of your summer clothes, why not head to a charity shop (with your mask on)? If you can safely use plastic-free products there seems to be an ever-growing range available, so why not check them out next time you're running low on soap or cleaning products. There’s lots of different ways to start cutting down, find what works for you!


One more action you can take is to join our campaign to #ReviveOurWorld. In 2020 the importance of having nature in our lives has never been clearer, but the crisis facing nature is huge. Sign up here: 

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