• Living with the land in Norway

    Some of our staff recently spent a week in Norway learning about the relationships many Norwegians enjoy with the landscape. Here's a little of what they learned.
  • A new chapter for Scotland’s Rainforest

    We are delighted to be able to share with you that RSPB Scotland have taken on a new site, Glencripesdale nature reserve, located on the Morvern Peninsula, on the south shore of Loch Sunart in the Western Highlands of Scotland. Izzy Baker tells us more.

    Why Glencripesdale?

    Glencripesdale nature reserve is part of Scotland’s rainforest, a very rare habitat that is fragmented and under threat.

    When you hear the…

  • Living alongside urban gulls

    Urban gulls can be particularly noisy at this time of year, especially in coastal communities. In this blog we discuss why this is, the challenges they face and how we can live alongside each other.
  • We need a Nature Emergency Strategy!!

    We are facing a nature and climate emergency.

    The signs are all around us.

    It's clearer than ever the climate is in crisis with temperatures in Scotland reaching record highs again last week – the UK’s 10 warmest years since 1884 have been in the last two decades – and wildfires in England, Spain, France, Portugal, Greece, California and even Alaska.

    And the same is true for nature. This year, avian…

  • Hope hard to find

    Kirsty Nutt describes a visit to the gannet colony at Troup Head last week to look at the impact avian influenza is having there.

    Warning: Contains images and descriptions you might find upsetting. 

    Last week I visited our Troup Head nature reserve to meet the site manager, Richard, and an STV reporter. Located on the northeast coast of Scotland, it is Scotland’s only mainland gannet colony. Gannets first bred here in…

  • Visiting Loch Leven

    Rhona Maxwell, our Projects and Events Officer, tells us why she loves visiting our Loch Leven nature reserve.
  • Species on the Edge – A new partnership project for coastal wildlife

    James Silvey tells us about Species on the Edge, a NatureScot-led project that aims to protect 35 of Scotland's most vulnerable coastal and island species.
  • Avian Influenza update

    RSPB Scotland's Country Communications Manager, Kirsty Nutt gives us an update on the bird flu situation we are currently experiencing.
  • Avian influenza - the impact in Shetland

    RSPB Scotland Country Communications Manager Stephen Magee recently travelled to the Shetland Islands to film the ongoing crisis caused by bird flu. Here he reflects on the things he saw and the people he met. WARNING - CONTAINS IMAGES OF DEAD BIRDS
  • Here we go again, sadly (Coul Links)

    In February 2020, we celebrated some fantastic news for nature. The Scottish Government had just announced that the proposals for a golf development at Coul Links near Embo had been refused.

    For many of us, it was a huge relief and a truly uplifting end to more than four years of fighting to protect this special area, as part of a huge collective effort with conservation partners and more than 13,000 members of the public…

  • RSPB Scotland at the Royal Highland Show 2022

    Rhona Maxwell is our Projects and Events Officer for Scotland. In today's blog, she reflects on a very busy few days at this year's Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh.
  • The Outer Hebrides is celebrating its first ever Wildlife Festival

    We're so excited about the first ever Outer Hebrides Wildlife Festival starting this week. Read on for a taste of what's coming up.
  • Five facts about dotterels

    This Father's Day, we're celebrating one of nature's greatest dads, the dotterel. The understated male of the species takes the lead on parenting duties in some of the most extreme habitats in Scotland. Read on for five facts about these fascinating birds.
  • Scotland’s Good Food Nation Bill is here, what next?

    In this blog we look at the outcome of the recent Stage 3 debate for the Good Food Nation Bill, and of the future of Scotland’s food system.
  • Connecting with Nature for Photography

    RSPB Scotland volunteer and Scots Magazine Photographer of the Year Laura Elliot discusses what nature photography means to her and the process which led to the award winning shot.
  • Volunteering with Curlew LIFE

    Colin Mclennan tells us about his experiences volunteering with the Curlew LIFE project on our Insh Marshes nature reserve.
  • Bird Flu - a new threat to Scottish seabirds

    Paul Walton gives an update on the worrying bird flu threat to Scottish seabirds and outlines action needed to protect our precious wildlife.

    The loss, to a deadly new strain of Avian Influenza, of 1/3 of the entire Solway barnacle goose population last winter was an unprecedented tragedy. It took us into uncharted territory regarding Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and wild birds. RSPB Scotland staff, with the…

  • Surprises at Wood of Cree

    Our nature reserves aren't just homes for wildlife - many also harbour ancient signs of human habitation. Our Reserves Archaeologist, Jill Harden, discusses some of these discoveries from a recent visit to Wood of Cree.
  • Collaborative action for wading birds

    Owen Selly, Conservation Officer for RSPB Scotland covering Loch Lomond, The Trossachs and Tayside tells us about the work farmers in Angus are doing to help our precious wading birds.

    It’s a stunning May evening as I sit not in a field or on a hill, but at my laptop, meeting with farmers and other conservationists to discuss our collective progress in a trial initiative by the Working for Waders partnership to help…

  • White-tailed eagle update from the Cairngorms

    Ewan Craig has been keeping a close eye on the Cairngorms Connect landscape's newest family - white-tailed eagles Shona, Finn and their two chicks.
  • More support needed for farmers to help save Scotland’s breeding wading birds

    Duncan Orr-Ewing, Head of Species and Land Management for RSPB Scotland tell us about what more needs to be done to support farmers to help wading birds, while still managing their land in a productive way.
  • City Nature Challenge 2022 - the results are in

    This years City Nature Challenge saw more people, more records and more wildlife than ever before. Daniel Robb from our Giving Nature a Home team tells us more.
  • Good Food Nation - the journey so far and what comes next

    We need the Good Food Nation Bill and the consequent plans set out by the Scottish Government to be broad and ambitious to tackle the current food system. In this blog we discuss the progress of the Bill and the changes we think are crucial in ensuring it’s success for nature, the climate and people in Scotland.
  • My six months with the RSPB

    Eilidh Summers tell us about her work with RSPB Scotland as part of the Kickstarter scheme.
  • Five facts about cuckoos

    Cuckoos arrive on our shores from early April and start singing soon after. You know spring has truly arrived the first time you hear their unmistakeable call. Read on to discover five facts about these summer visitors.