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Song Thrush that can't fly

Hi from NZ. My backyard older Song Thrush can't fly, I call her "mumma bird" but it's probably male. Close to darkness, I watched it hop around the trees in a panic before I realised it couldn't even fly up 400mm to a branch. It went dark and I lost her Disappointed Its definitely an older thrush, I've been feeding her bird cake & mealworms for 1 year now after I noticed it had little feathers and looked close to death. 4 months later it finally grew new feathers in Jan/Feb (NZ late summer). It started moulting about 2 months ago (winter) but new feathers hav been slow to renew, and she never looks prim and proper like the young or other thrush. Over 3 weeks I've noticed her flying ability lessen, and fighting with other thrush a lot. Blackbirds constantly pick on her and steal her food. Hard to tell if it's injury or lack of feathers that's the problem, but she's vulnerable to cats being on the ground.

What can I do?? I read that thrush may die from shock so I hesitate to try and catch her. What food will help her bones and feathers heal?