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Last Sign of Autumn?

Throughout the summer we have been visited, in the evening, by a hedgehog and as the days got shorter the adult was accompanied by 2 hoglets. They have shown a great liking for the meal worms that we put out and so we have been putting out extra for them. About 2 weeks ago first the adult and then one of the juveniles stopped coming, hopefully well fed and hibernating. We have now not seen the other one for about 4 days so we are assuming that this one has grown fat enough. Here is hoping for a quiet winter for them to get lots of sleep and then carry on clearing the garden of slugs etc. in the spring.
  • Let's hope so. I don't get any hogs here at all, so I'm always interested to see those that do.

    Unicum arbustum haud alit duos erithacos

    (One bush does not shelter two Robins)

    Zenodotus (3rd Century B.C.)


  • well done Jim, the hedgehogs should have a good weight now thanks to your mealworms so they can hibernate comfortably for the next few months.  Not seen any hogs in our garden but have lots of nice areas for them should they find their way in.  


    Regards, Hazel