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Hedgehogs asleep yet?

After at least 1 hoggie coming every night, we've not had a visit since last Wednesday night. Has anyone else's hoggies nodded off yet? I'll still put food out, just in case!
  • I have 3 -4 hogs coming every night for peanuts, digestives and occasionally kitten biscuits.  The bowls are sparkling and totally empty each morning.  They are very much awake and given recent temperatures probably think Spring has arrived.

  • Hi Rose, I've been lucky enough to get hedghogs for quite a while now, up to four I have managed to photograph at one time feeding in the garden.   Like you though we haven't had any in for a week now, I'm still feeding in case, the number dwindled down to just the one and then the farmer has now been around cutting back the hedges down the lane and in the fields, must have an effect surely, tho' I know it has to be done.  

    Lot to learn

  • Pleased that you two both still have hedgehogs. Strangely, after a break of about 5 days, we started getting them again. But, they are different ones! 2 are quite a bit smaller, so probably a second litter, though they are big enough to get through the winter; and judging by the amount they are scoffing, they'll need to have an extra big home!

    gaynorsl, I know what you mean about changes in the environment, and how it might affect the hedgehogs... every time I hear a strimmer going in someone's garden, I put my fingers in my ears and hope....