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A few young starlings

I love starlings. Just as you're sitting and enjoying the peace and quiet in the garden they suddenly arrive en masse - loud, squabbling and always entertaining:

Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • A lovely set of shots Clare, it's nice to see them starting to get their adult plumage. They're starting to gather in large numbers up here now, noisy, messy and totally fantastic.!!


    My bird photos HERE

  • Lovely pics there Clare, ours seemed to have fledged and moved on now, peace and quiet again for a while.

    Lot to learn

  • We had some excitement here yesterday afternoon.  Our friendly neighbourhood sparrowhawk has been on the prowl - I suspect that's why a young starling flew full tilt into our back door!  The dear little thing fell to the patio and lay at such an odd angle I feared it was dead.  However when I picked it up it was still living, though it looked as though it was in shock.  It tried to fly off but didn't get very far and I picked it up again.  I put it onto the top deck of our bird table (which does have two decks) so that it was near food, in the shade and off the ground - there it sat for a very long time and I wondered if I would need to find a wildlife rescue to take it in.  However it started to look around and moved about normally, picking up bits of food and looking far more alert - a few moments later it flew off in a nice straight line and gaining height, to my enormous relief!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Clare - what lovely starling shots!  I love to see the young ones when they are half and half!  They look quite striking with a few 'spots' starting to show through!  Glad to hear the young starling survived.  That's happened to me a couple of times.  We've had the odd bird knock itself out and be quite stunned for some time.  I have an old shoe box which I have laid them in by the open back door (and kept my eye on it from a distance) and a couple of times the bird has just lain there for half an hour or so, and then perked up and flown off.  Such a relief!

    See my Flickr photos here