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Trail cam success with hedgehogs at last!!!!

Finally got a decent bit of video of hedgehogs on my patio :)

It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • Brilliant, is that their food station? Cheers Pat

    Pat Adams - Flickr - BLOG

  • With the trail cam I think I am now able to recognise two different hedgehogs even if they are not caught on film at the same time.

    One has a distinctive pale patch on its left flank,this may be the remains of a paint mark I used on a hedgehog last year or maybe just a pigmentation mark.

    The two hogs are around the same size but one seems to be rounder and walks faster but lower to the ground and the other walks more slowly and seems to have longer legs and a more 'pointy' face.

    It's not always easy to hug a hedgehog.

    But that doesn't mean you shouldn't.

  • I have the same camera and I only occasional capture a hedgehog even though I can hear one eating, there is no corresponding video. I even waved my hand in front of the camera last night to set it off but still nothing this morning.  Your video seems much better quality than mine and I would be interested to know what settings you use.