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The Robin and The Canary

Last week a colleague was telling me the cutest little story and thought I'd have to share it with you.  If you're not a fan of caged birds, I apologise...


My colleague has had a little friendly Robin visit her garden for a couple of years now, they don't get too friendly with him because of their "crazy pup" and the cat but  they do leave him treats on the fence.  There is one member of the household this Robin has got particularly friendly with though - their canary!

The Robin sits on the fence post outside the kitchen window and sings to the canary, who's cage is in view of the window and who also sings back.  

After a couple of weeks of the canary and robin duetting my colleague decided to leave the cover on the canary a bit later, well that didn't work as when the Robin came to serenade the canary the canary could be seen ducking to see under the sheet to see the Robin!  Then chirrping excitedly at the Robin and then my colleague would give up, take the sheet off and this odd couple would sing along until the Robin went on his merry way.

Every morning they do this, and all throughout the day.  I thought it was such a cute little story and had to share :o)