I'll be back talking about 'home grown' wildlife gardening by next week, but I'm still full of my American trip and I wanted to share my experiences of their wildlife gardening.

How good it was to see the National Wildlife Federation running a scheme whereby they 'certified' whether your gardening had created wildlife habitat, a lovely little incentive that for this little street-corner public garden (left) had resulted in a winner's rosette. How fitting that a Blue Jay perched on top for me as if to rubber stamp the award.

Those gardens tended for wildlife often had some of the plants we might grow here, especially Buddleias including some wonderful shrub varieties, but gardeners were also very keen on various Goldenrods (Solidago), native to the eastern USA. Here's one (right) I photographed with a gorgeous Buck-eye butterfly on it.

It is very tempting to grow Goldenrods in this country, and should you do so you will be rewarded definitely with several species of bee and other pollinating insect visiting, and also with some nectaring butterflies. But there is a big downside - Goldenrods tend to be horribly invasive, and as a non-native species here in the UK they can turn into a right menace, escaping into the countryside and replacing native plants.

It was quite powerful, then, to see American gardeners and conservationists having to fight their own battles against terribly invasive plants too. The two worst culprits were Porcelain Vines from Asia, shrouding entire trees, and our own Common Reed from Europe, invading their marshes. It was a reminder that we have to be responsible as gardeners, and not harm the countryside while trying to help wildlife in your garden.

And finally, I couldn't resist another Monarch photo, just to show how numerous they were, and to make Jef more envious!


If you want to drop by my RSPB wildlife gardening blog, it is updated every Friday, and I'd love to see you there - www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/hfw

  • Hi Jef and Ratty

    Yes, the cultural difference between us and the States is really interesting where they are quite happy to be loud and proud about their efforts, where we might be a little more understated and humble. But the flipside to that is that anyone passing by these gardens (like me) got to see hear the message that people are doing their very best for wildlife. It would be good to find a way to do that British-style!

    And as for goldenrods being invasive, you ought to see the way they are beginning to dominate some of the road verges here in Sussex. Alarming! I'm sure Wildlife Friendly will keep us updated as to whether Golden Baby behaves itself.

    If you want to drop by my RSPB wildlife gardening blog, it is updated every Friday, and I'd love to see you there - www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/hfw

  • I’ve grown Soilidago “Golden Baby” for the first time this year. It is a dwarf variety only growing to about 24”, it is supposed to be well behaved and non-invasive – time will tell.

    Build it and they will come.

  • I'm glad you stayed with the American "theme" as this post is so interesting. The certification is a lovely idea but agree with ratty about 'over here'. However, I do think it would be a great award for all the schools and community groups who work hard to create wildlife areas. The Buckeye butterfly is gorgeous, what a beauty and well captured! I am a bit taken aback about the Goldenrods as they are recommended in many of my wildlife gardening books without any mention of being invasive. They are lovely but perhaps better to grow them in pots to keep them in check?

    Well, it goes without saying really, yes I am more jealous than ever about the Monarchs. Lovely photo Adrian. Have you uploaded any of your USA photos to any photo sites, if so I would appreciate a link?

    Kind regards    Jane.

    Kind regards Jane.

  • Great photos, love the butterflies, and interseting about the golden rod. Not sure about how the 'certificate' would go down over here but it would be great to know which, and how many,  people in your neighbourhood were like-minded.