A few weeks ago I was delighted to meet up with the Henry Johnson from the Peoples Trust for Endangered Species, who has the fantastic job title of Hedgehog Officer as well as being upliftingly enthusiastic.

He helps run a project called Hedgehog Street, which is a simple campaign focusing to get people to pledge to cut holes in their fences to allow Hedgehogs to wander between gardens. In the box-like world of our gardens, having runways at ground level is essential if hedgehogs are to find enough food and find a mate without having to become pole-vaulters along the way.

I'm a big fan of working collaboratively on projects for the greater good of wildlife, so I'm very happy to give the scheme a plug and get you all making pledges to add to Hedgehog Street. Here's your link to all the information you need.

Great, too, to hear about all the things that Henry is doing in his own urban garden from our list of things we'd like people to do to give nature a home. Here are Henry's house sparrow boxes:

And here the start of his pond (I want to see the finished photos, Henry!)

I do believe that great things can be achieved when we all pull together!

If you want to drop by my RSPB wildlife gardening blog, it is updated every Friday, and I'd love to see you there - www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/hfw

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