Spring?! What am I talking about, as a high pressure system stalls out to the west of the UK and northerly winds bring overnight frosts and snow showers? It hardly feels spring-like at all in the air.

But the garden knows where the season is heading. So I thought today - as we flip over into April - I'd just get the camera out and indulge in the visual feast as the spring flowers take their cues from the increasing daylength and bring colour and life to the garden. Descriptions at the bottom; tonic for the eyes at the top :)

And just to put names to faces, the photos were as follows:

  • Tulips among the grass-like leaves of Allium sphaerocephalon
  • Honesty, a less garish cultivar than the usual species, this one called Corfu Blue
  • Yellow-legged Mining Bee on Lesser Celandine, one of the first solitary bees to emerge in spring
  • Thalia, the pure-white Narcissus
  • The first poppy, in the process of uncrinkling its petals
  • Cowslips in the 'Square Meadow' (my grandly-titled mini meadow outside the lounge window)
  • And, of course, one of my beloved Robins, here among Spiraea.

If you want to drop by my RSPB wildlife gardening blog, it is updated every Friday, and I'd love to see you there - www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/hfw