I wrote 600 words in the last blog. I'm aiming for 200 today. Just a dip-in-and-out nibble of wildlife gardening' a bloglet.

The first is an unashamed brag. Look what visited my pond this week.

Ok, so some of my tadpoles copped it, but there are still hundreds and hundreds of them.Amazing to think that Little Egrets didn't breed in the UK until 1996. Now, 20 years on, they are doing so well. And, as many of you will know, egrets go back right to the roots of the RSPB when thousands were being slaughtered in Europe for the hat trade. And you can see that this adult bird has 'aigrettes', the once-coveted head plumes.

I pushed myself with my pond, physically and in terms of ambitious, going larger than I'd dared before. What with the egret, and with the four bats that every dusk descend to swoop and take drinks on the wing from the pond surface, I'm feeling the effort is paying off.

But I also wanted to share a link to this wonderful blog here which is called Growing Family and is all about "all about making the most of busy family life, indoors and out". This month I'm urging everyone to get planting flowers ready for July's flush of butterflies, and I think you'll be impressed to see one young family already putting it all into action.

Darn it, that's 230 words. I'm off to look for whatever is next going to surprise me in the pond...

If you want to drop by my RSPB wildlife gardening blog, it is updated every Friday, and I'd love to see you there - www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/hfw

  • Thanks Adrian yes some of theses are the case with me afraid to say, trouble is the pond is south facing so needs topping up with tap water, l thought traving down a long hose took some of the bad guys away. Also since changing into a wildlife pond eg found good home for goldfish put stickle backs in which after about a month have given birth to tiny babys,ducks do come sometimes, but now we get to see grey wagtails. also use to have a kingfisher come so want to get them back hence, stickle backs, have you or anyone found the barley hay work to help algae? and theres soil in the lillie plants, but we use a pond hoover twice a year, and have a large filter outside the pond. from Yas

  • Thanks Adrian yes some of theses are the case with me afraid to say, trouble is the pond is south facing so needs topping up with tap water, l thought traving down a long hose took some of the bad guys away. Also since changing into a wildlife pond eg found good home for goldfish put stickle backs in which after about a month have given birth to tiny babys,ducks do come sometimes, but now we get to see grey wagtails. also use to have a kingfisher come so want to get them back hence, stickle backs, have you or anyone found the barley hay work to help algae? and theres soil in the lillie plants, but we use a pond hoover twice a year, and have a large filter outside the pond. from Yas

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