We’re looking forward to our event today down the Senedd - Valuing the Welsh Marine Environment – which will look at the benefits our marine environment brings to Wales. From supporting jobs to providing opportunities for recreation and education, the Welsh marine environment has an essential role in Wales’ future. By examining the role of one area in Pembrokeshire and its positive effects on the local economy, we can question how these benefits can be realised across the Welsh coastline.
Featuring exhibits from Welsh artist Rhian Field. We’ll post some images and the exclusive viewing of the video crated especially for this event this afternoon, so watch this space....

Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ein digwyddiad heddiw i lawr yn y Senedd - Gwerthfawrogi Amgylchedd Morol Cymru  - a fydd yn trafod buddion ein hamgylchedd morol i Gymru.
O gynnal swyddi i ddarparu cyfleoedd ar gyfer hamdden ac addysg, mae gan amgylchedd morol Cymru rôl hanfodol yn nyfodol Cymru. Wrth archwilio rôl un ardal yn Sir Benfro a’i heffeithiau positif ar yr economi leol, gallwn drafod sut y gellir gwireddu’r buddion yma ledled arfordir Cymru. Gydag arddangosfa o waith yr artist Cymreig Rhian Field. Byddwn yn lan-lwytho lluniau a’r ffilm o’r digwyddiad i fyny nes mlaen prynhawn ma....

Below some of the art on show at yr Oriel down in the Senedd in cardiff Bay - by artist Rhian Field

Belonging at Ramsey Island

Fulmars at Ramsey north - Rhian Field