This summer families in Wales are being encouraged to spend a night in nature’s home by taking part in the RSPB’s Big Wild Sleepout. Money raised from the event will go towards saving nature.

On Saturday 8 August, extra special Big Wild Sleepouts will be take place in several locations across Wales, they include Flat Holm Island off the coast of Cardiff Bay, Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve near Newport, RSPB Ynys-hir on the mid Wales coast and RSPB Conwy in north Wales.

Booking is essential, for all these events, for more information and ideas on how to make the most of your Big Wild Sleepout, visit:

The Big Wild Sleepout is part of the RSPB’s ‘Giving Nature a Home’ campaign, which is aimed at inspiring everyone to do their bit for nature, wherever they live and however big their outside space This year’s Big Wild Sleepout is being supported by Rohan, designer and supplier of outdoor clothing and footwear.