The story of illegal persecution of birds of prey in Wales continues as the latest RSPB’s Birdcrime report released yesterday reveals. The RSPB Investigations Unit received reports of 46 incidents of wild bird crime occurring in 2013 in Wales, which accounted for 9% of the UK incidents reported in Birdcrime 2013.  

Across the UK, Wales had the fifth highest number of bird crime incidents in 2013, with Northern England, at the top with 113 acts of bird crime reported. Numbers of incidents in Powys accounted for nearly half of the reported acts in Wales (see note 1). There were 22 reported incidents of bird of prey persecution across Wales. The species which occurred most frequently in the confirmed persecution incidents was buzzard with 10 victims then red Kites with seven victims.  

A non-bird of prey incident includes two dead ravens found in a field in Anglesey. Results confirmed that the ravens were poisoned with pesticide fenthion – a substance used in sheep dip. However, an illegal use of this was established.  

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