A new report on Nature-based Solutions in Climate Adaptation Policy for RSPB and WWF, by the Nature-based Solutions Initiative at the University of Oxford, summarises the evidence on the ways Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can address climate impacts. The report also explores the barriers and enabling factors that influence their wider uptake. This work shows how NbS can help to address 33 of the 34 risks identified in the third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) and how they can be better integrated into UK and Welsh Government policy.
The role of Nature-based Solutions
Nature-based solutions (NbS) to climate change are increasingly seen as an important strand of governmental approaches to the climate crisis. In Wales, the government is focusing on tree planting and peatland restoration as important ways to help mitigate or reduce Welsh greenhouse gas emissions through land use. There is, however, much less recognition and support for the role of NbS in climate change adaptation.
This new report highlights examples all around us of nature protecting us from rising sea levels, flooding, heatwaves and other extreme weather caused by a changing climate. For example:
The report also highlights other important considerations in the utilisation of NbS:
The Welsh Government does have a Climate Change Adaptation Plan[2] which sets out the policies and proposals to prepare Wales for the challenges ahead as the climate continues to change. However, now is the time for even greater visionary leadership. Building on the momentum generated by COP 26, the stark messages of CCRA3, the ground-breaking Dasgupta review of the economics of biodiversity, and the start of the UN Decade of Restoration, it is time to make new commitments for the benefit of people, nature and climate.
The Nature-based Solutions in Climate Adaptation Policy report makes the following recommendations to help to transform the role of NbS in Welsh policy, to simultaneously contribute to climate resilience, net zero goals and nature recovery while also strengthening our economy, creating green jobs, improving health and well-being and reducing social inequality.
We believe there are opportunities for a wider range of NbS to play a greater role in the third Adaptation Programme including:
Government departments at national and local levels need to talk more to each other about NbS, to break down silos, overcome barriers, identify common goals and harmonise policy support.
More finance for NbS is needed, including novel mechanisms that recognise their multiple market and non-market benefits. There are opportunities to channel private sector funding to a wider range of high quality NbS with benefits for climate adaptation, rather than just tree-planting for carbon sequestration.
National adaptation policies should set well-defined, ambitious and time-bound objectives for scaling up high quality NbS and establish monitoring and evaluation processes to evaluate progress towards these objectives.
[1] Economic cost and benefit of Nature-based Solutions to mitigate climate change. Cambridge Econometrics, 2020
[2] Prosperity for All: A Climate Conscious Wales 2020-2025
[3] The four guidelines for Nature-based Solutions | Nature-based Solutions to Climate Change | Key messages for decision makers in 2020 and beyond (