Its been a busy few weeks in regards to MCZs across the UK and in Wales! - so here’s a quick summary to keep you up to speed

The House of commons Science and Technology Committee released a report last week, which in short said UK Marine Conservation Zones are vital. you can read the full report here

This was picked up by a number of MPs (given the house of commons focus) and gained quite a bit of media attention:

"MPs warn: UK government is stalling on the creation of a network of zones to protect the UK's seas and wildlife"

The Daily post covered this story to which we responded to the article  - which was printed in Today’s paper. In case you missed it here it is in Full;

 Dear Sir, your article in Thursdays paper titled Sea Protection Plans are ‘floundering’ (p5) was based on the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee releasing a report in relation to the role of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in UK waters.  The report, whilst focussed on the recent UK consultation on 31 sites around the UK, highlighted that a clear vision is needed for MCZs.

 Wales, is currently developing its own proposals, and considering how to take forwards MCZs  following the controversial consultation last year on highly protected MCZs.

 The process has brought together a wide range of stakeholders, and facilitated healthy discussion about the role of MCZs in Wales. However, the good will and momentum built up needs to be capitalised upon to ensure that the process delivers meaningful sites in Welsh waters, with stakeholder buy-in.

 The Welsh Government team tasked with developing the final recommendations are due to give their findings to the Minister Alun Davies in the next few weeks. We hope that the Minister seizes the opportunity presented, and turns these recommendations into action.

Were looking forward to working with the new Minister - and will keep you posted on developments as they happen

Gareth Cunningham

RSPB Cymru Marine Policy Officer