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The #NoNewM4 campaign is picking up all over Wales – here’s how you can get involved

It’s started – in the final run-up to the Welsh Government’s decision on the M4, people all over the country are turning up the heat so the Government know we don’t want the Black Route. As well as over 5,000 of you who have already spoken up against the M4 diversion, celebrities and public figures are also getting involved and sharing their stories - like Super Furry Animals musician Cian Ciaran, Submarine star Craig Roberts, political writer and adviser to Jeremy Corbyn, Steve Howell, and Newport filmmaker Darragh Mortell.

Now, we need your help once more – join the debate and get sharing! In our last update, we listed all the different actions you can choose from to join the campaign – here’s a reminder:

If you need any support to write to your newspaper, to the First Minister, to share content or to sign the petition, or if you have any other ideas you would like to pursue to campaign against the M4, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll do everything we can to help. Contact campaigns.wales@rspb.org.uk

Here’s what our supporters are saying…

Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Sophie Howe, said: “As I have already told the Welsh Government I do not believe their plans for the M4 black Route is in the best interest of future generations. I implore the Welsh Government to find an alternative, balanced and sustainable solution with future generations in mind.”

Cian Ciarán is a musician and producer, originally from North Wales and performs with Zefur Wolves, Super Furry Animals and as a solo performer. He added: "Welsh Labour have a small chance here to redeem themselves after some of the recent decisions made at the Senedd -the withdrawal bill, rail franchise, the marine licence granted for Hinkley mud dumping, cuts to the school uniform grant, the independent living grant, the education improvement grant and Communities First. We don’t want this impending decision regarding the M4 to add to an already long list of disappointments. There are sustainable alternatives and better environmental initiatives that could benefit the whole of Wales; so, let’s hope Welsh Government make a choice we can be proud of.”

The Chair of local campaign group CALM, Rob Hepworth, , added: “When it comes to economics, statistics show that any potential financial benefit would be felt only in a very small area of South East Wales and the West of England. When it comes to solving the traffic problem, research worldwide shows building more roads simply leads to more traffic. Future generations won’t thank us if we build the black route. Welsh Government should act to create a progressive solution to the traffic problem that is cheaper, more sustainable and one that Wales can be proud of.”

RSPB Cymru Director, Katie-Jo Luxton, said: “Wales’ breath-taking wild places attract people from all over the world, but this beautiful country is not just our home, it is also home to some of the rarest wildlife in the UK. The Gwent Levels is one of our wildlife sanctuaries, home to the rare shrill-carder bumble bee and the beautiful common crane. This stunning bird has returned to breed on the Gwent Levels after a huge conservation effort which has brought them back from the brink after an absence of 400 years from Wales. Not only would the M4 diversion devastate this rich and unique Welsh landscape, it would use a significant amount of the money, which we think would be better invested for the benefit of our children and grandchildren, in truly sustainable transport improvements, and protecting our wildlife and climate.”