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Spring is the season where everything wakes up and begins to blossom in preparation for the summer months. Whether you’re a hedgehog waking up from the deepest of winter naps or a vibrant daffodil blooming, springtime brings life and colour to our countryside.

Eleanor Bentall, rspb-images.com

An exciting time is on the horizon at RSPB Lake Vyrnwy once more this spring, as the reserve prepares to welcome some adorable new arrivals, and there’s an opportunity for the whole family to share the wonderful experience of seeing a lamb being born.

So why not put a spring in your step this April by coming along to RSPB Lake Vyrnwy to enjoy a tour of the lambing ‘maternity wing’. With over 2,000 pregnant Ewes, you’re sure to see a lamb being born and if you’re lucky, and you might enjoy some hands on experience. You’ll also get the chance to meet Harold, a handsome Welsh black bull. Just be sure to wrap up warm as the lambing sheds tend to be chilly and remember your wellies for some fun on the farm.

Our live lambing session at RSPB Lake Vyrnwy is a brilliant event for the whole family to enjoy. You’ll see one of nature’s wonderful sights at close quarters whilst filling your lungs with some glorious fresh air in the great outdoors.

Amongst the many activities on show, visitors will also be able to take advantage of the reserve’s new wild nature play park. There are log beams to walk on, tree stumps to jump from, bird’s nests to play in, branches and leaves for den building and a mud kitchen to cook tasty treats.

With over 2,000 pregnant Ewes; Harold the black bull; a new wild play park; an animal puzzle trail; peregrines swooping and diving over the lake whilst hunting for prey; mysterious forests dating back to the last ice age and the luscious surrounding green countryside, RSPB Lake Vyrnwy has much to offer.

Eleanor Bentall, rspb-images.com

We are also currently running a campaign to show the fascinating journey that our food makes as it travels from farms like the one at RSPB Lake Vyrnwy to our dinner plates and lunch boxes. (More information to be had in this blog)

When we see where our food comes from we also realise what a big impact it has on nature. RSPB Lake Vyrnwy’s live lambing event is not an only a unique family experience, but also the perfect way to see the connections between food, farming and nature.

The lambing event dates and prices are as follows:


1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 29, 30 April and 1 May 2017.


£7.50/adult and £3.75/child with discounts for RSPB members.

Booking essential - please telephone RSPB Lake Vyrnwy on 01691 870 278 or email: vyrnwy@rspb.org.uk  or visit www.rspb.org.uk/lakevyrnwy.


Please note – as there is a health risk to expectant mothers, we are unable to accommodate them at these events.