Our  ‘Together for Trees’ partnership with Tesco has joined forces with Amazon conquering explorer Ed Stafford to launch a search for the first ever ‘Rainforest Reporter’!

Despite being home to more than two thirds of the planet’s land-based creatures, three quarters of all endangered bird species and with more than one billion of the world’s poorest people rainforests lose an area the size of a football pitch disappears every four seconds. We’re looking for somebody fit, interested in conservation and a great communicator to report on their experience and highlight the issues facing the world’s rainforests. It’s not for the faint hearted; the winner will experience the reality of staying in the heart of the rainforest and meet some of the locals – human and animal.

One lucky winner will not only  receive an amazing trip to see an endangered rainforest, but will also be given a thorough insight into the conservation projects in place, getting hands-on with the activities, allowing them to report back on the work being done via a series of blogs and videos which will be available at www.tesco.com/trees.

To enter applicants must visit www.tesco.com/trees and fill out the step by step entry form. Successful entrants from stage one will be invited back to a selection day at an RSPB nature reserve where they will be put through their paces in a series of small challenges. Five lucky applicants will then be chosen to progress to the final stage where they will meet a panel of rainforest experts in London with the final winner being chosen from this group. Full terms and condition are available on the website.