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Win a year of fun-filled family memories and be a part of the Cardiff Wildlife Detectives, the city’s most exciting wildlife club!
Operating out of its headquarters at Forest Farm the club gives you and your family the chance to get your hands dirty investigating all the weird and wonderful nature on your doorstep.
To win a free, one year family membership, all you and your family need to do is prove you’re no rookies to investigation, by finding five usual suspects who operate in Cardiff – a bumblebee, oak tree, primrose, mallard and a worm.
Discover these five mugshots and then get out in your local park or garden and take a picture of your suspects, with at least one image including you and your family in shot.
Share your pictures on Facebook with RSPB Cymru or on Twitter @RSPBCymru using #wildcardiff and you and your family could win a year of happy memories tracking down the city’s wildlife together.
All correct entries will be entered into a draw and the winner will be picked at random by once of Cardiff’s most nutty wildlife characters, Bob the squirrel, on Sunday 17 April at 1pm. To find out more about Cardiff Wildlife Detectives click here or come to the Giving Nature a Home in Cardiff show feature at the RHS Flower Show Cardiff from 15-17 April. You can also email or ring 02920 353000.
Cardiff Wildlife Detectives is run in partnership between RSPB Cymru and City of Cardiff Council as part of the Giving Nature a Home in Cardiff project, which aims to connect thousands of young people with the nature on their own patch.
NB: Family membership consists of 2 x adults and 2 x children.