Shocking results of groundbreaking study finds, just one in eight children in Wales ‘connected to nature’
For the first time ever, a study to determine how connected UK children are to nature has been carried out, and highlights that children in Wales score significantly lower than the rest of the UK.
A three-year research project, undertaken by the RSPB, found that only 13% of children (1 in 8 children) in Wales have a ‘realistic and achievable’ level of connection to nature, compared with 21% across the rest of the UK. [see editors’ notes].
The report comes as a result of growing concerns over generations of children with little or no contact with the natural world and wildlife, which the RSPB believes is one of the biggest threats to nature in Wales.
To see the full press release go to or to see the full report and methodological report from the University of Essex, go to
A blog will follow later today from our Youth and Education officer showing how we are connecting children with nature.
Dim ond un plentyn mewn wyth sydd ‘â chysylltiad â byd natur’, yn ôl darganfyddiadau astudiaeth arloesol
Am y tro cyntaf erioed, mae astudiaeth i benderfynu hyd a lled cysylltiad plant y DU â byd natur wedi ei rhoi ar waith, ac mae’r darganfyddiadau yn amlygu bod gan blant Cymru sgôr sylweddol is na gweddill y DU.Mewn project tair blynedd, a gynhaliwyd gan yr RSPB, cafwyd mai dim ond 13% o blant (1 ym mhob 8 o blant) yng Nghymru sydd â lefel ‘realistig a chyraeddadwy’ o gysylltiad â byd natur, o’i gymharu â 21% ledled gweddill y DU. [gweler nodiadau’r golygyddion].
Cynhaliwyd yr adroddiad o ganlyniad i bryder cynyddol na fydd gan genedlaethau o blant gyswllt â byd natur a bywyd gwyllt, neu ychydig iawn o gyswllt. Mae’r RSPB yn credu mai dyma un o’r bygythiadau mwyaf i fyd natur Cymru.
I weld y datganiad yn llawn ewch i ac mae’r adroddiad llawn, ac adroddiad methodoleg Prifysgol Essex, ar gael i’w lawrlwytho o
Blog i ddilyn oddi wrth ein Swyddog Addysg ac Ieuenctid ynglyn a sut i ni'n cysylltu plant a byd natur.