Well, I live in Derbyshire, and my homeland is North Staffordshire - practically next door. My nearest RSPB reserve is Coombes Valley, and my nearest venue is Carsington. There is a Derby RSPB Local Group, who run excursions and talks. Derbyshire Wildlife Trust do a fantastic job looking after birds and creating wetland habitat. The Sanctuary is something I want to investigate. I'm going to try and get bird ringing certified - have made enquiries! I really want to work in rescuing birds. Having made initial enquiries, and with it all being quiet on the campaigning front, I have turned my energies towards creating a Facebook page: Birds in Derbyshire and Staffordshire. The aim of this is to create a hub, for sharing photos, news stories, and promoting an interest in birdlife. Sharing success stories, finding volunteers, promoting local events. Anyone who wants to get involved, be a co admin or share things via me, please do get in touch via the page! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Birds-in-Derbyshire-and-Staffordshire/232280226937564?fref=tsI did have a Twitter account but, erm, like a twit I lost the password. So I need to make a new one. Have not decided upon a name yet.
Natalie Windsor
Email: nataliewindsor@live.co.uk
Thanks Bob!
That's a great idea! I will try and get some good photos taken to share them.
Maybe I could use forums more often.