long tailed tits

For the first time Ever since i have been doing the big garden birdwatch,i had 4 longtailed tits in my garden,i was so excited nearly fell off my chair!!,it made my day.

Dizzybusy Kas

  • I put up my feeding station for the first time between Christmas and New Year and have had many different bird species visit since then. The long-tailed tits are so pretty. I waste hours looking out the window waiting for them to visit. I notice that they seem to visit twice daily and come in a flock of about 9 - they love the peanut and fat feeders. Last week, I was in the garden when they arrived, I kept very still and was able to watch them feed from 5 feet away. They only stay briefly for a couple of minutes, then they're off.    

  • Yes, I've had long tailed tits coming to my garden since the snow but only one during my hour, unfortunately.

    Very quietly come here and see this........ oh never mind!

  • Also disappointed the local flock of long tailed tits didn't show up during my hour.  They are often round, feeding on the fruity nibbles I have in a nut feeder.

  • Back in October of 2010 we had four Long Tailed Tits appear one afternoon.  They appeared again for a short while the following morning then just disappeared.   In 22 years, this is the only time we've seen Long Tailed Tits in the garden. 

    • How about this then? This window feader that my very good friend posted to me has proved to be wonderful, and very popular with the many tits in my garden I counted 7 long talied tits on another feader just the other day. Are they becoming more common ? I do hope so  I love them !

    "I can resist everything except temptation"

  • Unknown said:

    I noticed yesterday on the Facebook page that Long Tailed Tits seemed to be popping up all over this place, I've had a flock recently for the first time, I'm guessing they are going to be one of the rising stars on this years survey.


    I think you may be right.  In the past we've had the odd 1 or 2 long tailed tits on our feeders though mostly they stay in the trees when a party comes by and even that is quite rare although there are often large numbers in the trees nearby where there is a large playing field area.  This year I was amazed to see not 1, not 2 but 11 long tailed tits on the peanut and ground feeders we have out in the garden.  I love these birds - they are so cute and it was an absolute delight to see so many at such close quarters.

  • I agree - I had 6 Long Tails appear regularly in my garden throughout the day on Saturday, Sunday and Monday! This is a first for me as they normally disppear as quickly as they appear!! It might have been the berry suet I had in the nut feeder that kept them hanging around but it was lovely to see!

    I often see them in carparks hopping around on the floor and always see them hanging around the Rhino's at Colchester Zoo - I've even got photos of them just sitting happily on a Rhino's back!

    My name is VeggieBirdLover and I am a bird feeding addict  :D

  • A regular occurance at Orchard Farm in the East Midlands. They always arrive en mass three or four times a day and hammer the peanuts for 10 to 15 minutes and then dissapear into the hedges. I have a couple of photos under Orchard Farm in the gallery.

  • Hi

    Just joined Big Garden Bird Watch for the first time this year - Really enjoyed my hour as it turned out to be quite busy - Managed four Long-Tail Tits, but the star of the show was the Great Spotted Woodpecker, which is a regular visitor to my garden !     Dikkibird1.

    Remember, all the birds that go CHEEP usually wear the feathers !!


    I too have a regular flock of long tailed tits. Great to see them. They come and feed for about 20 minutes most days, then go.

    My star on Sunday was a Gt spotted woodpecker as well! Lots of greenfinches too. (Wierdly, talking to neighbours and friends around and about, they all say they've not seen greenfinches in ages - why is this? I see them every day, and they nest in my line of blue columnar fir trees).
