Register now for Big Garden Birdwatch 2013



It may only be the 3 December but we're already gearing up for the next Big Garden Birdwatch, it's really not that far away!!!

Registering now makes submitting your results in January quicker and easier plus when you register you'll get a £5 off discount code to use in the RSPB online shop!

Once you have registered we will send you some reminder e-mails leading up to the big weekend to help you prepare and get the most out of your Birdwatch hour.

Go to to register. 

We want to make this years survey bigger and better than ever before, so tell your friends, family and neighbours as well!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Please do count all the birds using your garden, we have provided the counting sheet to aid things with the most common species featured but just jot down any others on a seperate piece of paper or squiggle it in the margins. When it comes to online submission there is a page for common species and a page for any other visitors!

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • So you do want us to count ALL birds in the garden... VERY confusing communications!

    Or is "other visitors" just everything else lumped in together as a single number.?!?

    I tried to figure from the on-line submission before my previous posting but it's configured so you can't see it unless you complete it.

    I like your photo idea Chris.  You clearly have the technology whereby I have the people.  My numbers for the big number active little things will realistically have to be an estimate.  We're pretty good at counting sheep up the hillside and accurate + or - 1 but they tend not to fly off at speed!

    A bird in the hand can make an awful mess!

  • I'm wondering if I'm going doolally, but I can't seem to find any actual link to registering on the link you have provided in your original post, nor anywhere else, for that matter. Is it too late to register now? Have you removed the registration link for some reason?

  • It was on the link below but they seem to have changed it to submitting results now, so you may be right about it being too late.

    A bird in the hand can make an awful mess!

  • Where is the registration button?! I seem to be going round in circles?!help!

  • Hi all,

    Yes, registration has now closed.  The 'Submit Results' button will be up by the end of today.  We need a bit of a gap between the two to sort out the technical behind-the-scenes stuff and check it works for you all in good time before the big weekend.

    Many thanks,


  • So does this then mean we cannot participate?

  • Hi Melissa, apologies I should've said in my last post - of course, you can still take part don't worry!  Registration is completely optional.  

    Once you've done your Birdwatch at the weekend, just pop back over to and click on 'Submit Results' (this button will be there until Fri 15th Feb).

    Hope this helps,


  • Thanks Sarah,

    Would not miss it for the world!

    Kind regards


  • Unknown said:

    So you do want us to count ALL birds in the garden... VERY confusing communications!

    Or is "other visitors" just everything else lumped in together as a single number.?!?

    Hi Northernlass

    The counting sheet features all the common birds, you can only cram so many on an A4 sheet. We realise that other birds will be seen in gardens and ask you to make a note of them, count them individually and submit them individually online, they are not all bulked together as 'other birds'. On the results submission form that will appear tomorrow you will be able to select each species you observed either in the common bird section or the other species section.

    So to recap, select an hour over the wekend, find a good spot to watch your garden, make a note of each species that pays you a visit during that hour and record the highest number of birds seen at any one time for each species. Then go to our website and select 'submit results' and follow the online instructions!

    I hope that is much clearer now.

    Thanks for your interest in the birdwatch and have an enjoyable survey weekend.

    Warden Intern at Otmoor.