
Used to have loads of greenfinches and they all disappeared; none at all during Birdwatch weekend.  Delighted to see four beauties just now, on my Squirrel Buster filled with sunflower hearts.  Hooray!

Best Wishes,  Rosy

  • I live in Kessingland in Suffolk and I have noticed that the Greenfinishes are down in numbers this year. I think I have only countered about two pairs this year that have come to feed on my feed station.

    My Flickr. Photos link HERE

  • I shall be in Carlton Colville next week visiting my son so will see if I can spot any in that area


    my photos can be seen here flickr

  • I'm in County Durham and have started to attract,quite a few greenfinches. Their favourite,seems to be the black sunflower seeds,but also,go for the hearts too. That's when the starlings,haven't got there first and cleaned my feeders out ha.

  • Saw 2 Greenfinches on my birdwatch (Used to get 4 or 5 squabling over 2 sunflower feeders which they used to get through in a couple of days) now the feeders last almost a week. However, since the awful weather last week (cool, wet & windy) my garden has become virtually bird free. All I saw today was a Blackbird, a pigeon & heard a Robin. Not a sign of the Goldfinches which were becoming regulars. The Swifts have disappeared (I think I saw one in the distance this evening) can anyone tell me what happens to them when the weather suddenly goes back to winter mode? The previous week when it was hot in the mid 20s they could be seen almost all of the time both high up and making their distinctive sound swooping low around the roof tops. Summer was here but not for long.