BGBW East Kilbride

Newbie here and my first BGBW. I'm in East Kilbride, Scotland but moved relatively recently and have been doing pretty well encouraging the birds into the new garden (it's great to finally have a decent sized space for feeders and such).

We got:

House Sparrows - 17

Starlings - 7

Long Tailed Tits - 4

Siskins - 2

Woodpigeons - 2

Dunnocks - 2

Robins - 2

Blue Tits - 2

Great Tits - 2

Chaffinches - 2

Blackbird - 1

Coal Tit - 1

It was bizarre that the local breeding pair of magpies who usually visit at least a couple of times an hour decided to avoid the garden completely during our count. I was hoping the little goldcrest that has been coming in the garden lately would show up in time but unfortunately it didn't turn up until a good while later on. Oh well, happy with what we got though!