BGBW What was you Star Species?

It's all done for another year, at least for me.  I got the usual suspects and no more, so I have I've awarded my star status to the Goldfinch - they came out in force for me, and I didn't get any last year.  I got 8 species last year, 5 this year, and only 2 of these were on last year's list - interesting.  Which species was the star for everyone else?


Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • I haven't done my count yet but really hoping the pair of willow/marsh tits turn up but don't know how to record them as I've as yet been unable to tell which they are!


  • Just over the pennines in Halifax area and Blackcaps favoured me for the past 3 years but not on the Garden Birdwatch day!

    Everyday for the last week and todays star species for me was a small group (3) Lesser Redpoll, in 40 years living at this address it is the first year for them!

  • My star spot this year two house sparrows....only ten species out of a garden list of seventeen seen so far this year. No black cap(regular of late) no wren ( always seen very occasionally) and no songthrush or one or two others.

    Edit 12.23 Just submitted my ten and posted the above and I looked out to see a black cap, must have known about the count and stayed out of the way to avoid being counted.....and then wonder of wonders, the best view I have ever had a wren did a dance among the plant pots on the patio and stayed long enough to allow me to get the camera and make a couple of shots, sadly at a horrendous angle but they should be OK after a little editing. Still no song thrush or gold crest both seen earlier in the year.

    If we make a world unfit for the birds to live in we will make a world unfit for ourselves.

  • my star- a red poll for the first time in 11 years at this house

  • Sparrow-hawk, first time I've seen her. Things were a bit quiet after.

    Regards Ken

  • I had 5 redpoll, I have done the BGBW for many years, and this was a first.  Are there two varieties now though?  No idea if they were lesser or 'normal', about siskin sized.  Could not beat my sister though, who saw and got a photo of a weasel in her suburban Hertfordshire garden!


  • New to forum.

    BGBW:  Sparrowhawk my star, always around, there this morning keeping the regulars away during my hour. I wonder if she knew it was BGBW? Count way down on last year for most species, serious decline in song thrushes and finches all year.

  • Last year our count was zero...been feeding all year so our efforts were rewarded by 13 species - blackbirds,robin,bluetits,dunnocks,chaffinches,collared doves,starlings,house sparrows, pied wagtails, great tits, plus our stars of today which prompted an earlier start to our watch 3 fieldfares, 2 redwings and a song thrush:)) disappointed our regular longtailed tits made a no show today:(

  • This is my first BGBW and although I haven't yet submitted my results, so far (as I suspected) my Starlings and Blue Tits have been in my garden in abundance!!  Some in the back garden and front garden at the same time, so no cheating lol lol.  I've taken a few photo's, which I'll update later.  A couple of the LTT's have also made an appearance, these are sooooo cute, fluffy birds :-) along with two Robins, one being very friendly too!  In the back garden earlier this morning I had a Collared Dove, Blackbirds, Crow and a couple of Magpies.  The front garden has mainly been Blue Tits, a single Robin (other one in the back garden), House Sparrows (saw 6 of them in one go) LTT's and a first for me again......a Wren!!  I'm chuffed to bits!  Now off to make my Chocolate Cake!

    Maggie x

  • My first year doing BGBW in this country too - nothing exciting popped in to visit today - yet. Maybe I shall try an afternoon shift next year! I think the nesting dove was my star  - as mit seemed to be in and oput of the yard every five minutes collecting nesting material and flying off with it and then coming back for more dead grass.... but then, maybe the robin - that showed up five minutes before the end of the count, as I was wondering where it had got to today!

    My Aussie and British birds blog -