Poll time, Birdwatch Beverage!

Hi all you Big Garden Birdwatchers out there, are you all excited about the weekend, have you stocked up on bird food to entice the local avian population down into your patch? No, well there is still time, get to it!

If you have and you are all set, why not have a quick vote on this little just for fun poll. We are simply asking you which beverage will you mostly be drinking during this years birdwatch? We recommend getting comfortable with a favourite drink and relaxing whilst the birds do all the hard work, all you need to do is count them as they go about their daily routines!

So pick your most likely beverage from the list below and lets see what the nations birdwatch beverage is!

Warden Intern at Otmoor.

  • Well I'm trying to find a free hr this weekend. We'll be celebrating my Dad's 75th BDay here with a full house, loads of cooking, washing up which will be taking place + noise, Dance 3 being very popular (x box game) with the wide range of kids that will be here. Eldest has a friend coming + needs to go to footie!! Aarggh!!

    If I do get the chance then it will be a lovely pot of tea, home made carrot cake + what we call lovely stuff. There again if its left too late in the day it might be a wee glass of red!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Hi everyone :-)

    Honestly can't wait for the Big Garden Birdwatch.  Hope to see the male siskin I spotted this morning, what a delightful wee bird.  As to what I'll drink?  Not really sure whether to go for a mug of tea, or a strong black filter coffee.  However, as usual I'll have a bottle of Irn Bru by my side.  To anyone planning to drink alcohol during their BGBW.  Please leave the bevvying for after the count.  Counting large numbers of Starlings, and House Sparrows, can be tricky enough sober ;-)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Hi Moderator, If this morning is anything to go by (snow)!! I'll be having hot chocolate lol. Being new to birdwatching & the RSPB I'm getting fair excited for my 1st Birdwatch. Good selection of birds this morning with it being so cold. Whoppee bring on tomorrow!

  • Hi Lynnie, hope you enjoy the birdwatch and your hot chocolate and that snow isn't too bad.

  • Think it will be a cup of tea and I've just made my fat balls for morning :) Nyger seed and mixed bird seed and peanuts  all ready in their pots.

  • It's almost upon us I a, so looking forward to doing it, and hope I get surprises and not disappointments, time will tell, the feeders are out there but untouched.

  • I'm definitely a tea-aholic, and some gentle music's a good idea.  I might also by scoffing chocs left over from Christmas, if I get time in between recording the multitude of birds that I'm sure will land in my garden, (ha ha).  


    Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.


  • Hooked on Redbush (really don't like the taste of tea any more). So  I will be warm and comfy in the conservatory with the heater on full blast (I'll forget about the electric bill for the day) and a mug of Redbush. If I see just one bird I will be grateful :-)


  • Question for you all. If it rains and your bird seed/fastballs etc get wet, dos this deter your birds from feeding? I am thinking this is what puts mine off.

  • Hi rose B we've had heavy rain and snow showers this last few weeks, my birds do totally disappear when it's raining I noticed but they do return to the fat balls etc even if they are left wet. good luck this weekend x