how to do a group activity for big garden birdwatch?

Hi! I'd like to do a group birdwatch in a local park, and I've seen references to group activities but what I can't seem to find out is how to record it, specifically how to avoid duplications?  If we just do one set of results as a group, how do we avoid it turning into a situation where one or two people are identifying and writing down what's there while the others just stand around or, on the other hand, having loads of people all counting and trying to record the same birds?!  Or do I send everyone off in different directions so they all do their own separate recording??  I'd appreciate any advice from anyone who has run a group Big Garden Birdwatch before about how to organise it!




  • Hi there! :) I havent been involved in a group watch before, but if you're doing it in one big group (eyes all around!) then it'd probably be one form filled out. Or you could send out in pairs / trios and each have their own form as you said :)

    Junior Humble! 

    "it is not only fine feathers that make a fine bird" ~ Aesop