Guest blog by Colum Delaney, RSPB NI Policy Advocacy Officer

 You know the old cliché ‘a week is a long time in politics’? Well that’s a huge understatement when it comes to politics in Northern Ireland!

After months of claim and counter claim, wrangling and recriminations over the Renewable Heat Incentive Scheme, we’re headed for an Assembly election on Thursday 2 March.

Business at the Assembly will cease next Thursday (26 January), bringing down the shutters just 10 months after the last election. Apart from the First and Deputy First Ministers, all Ministers will remain in post until the election so the race is on to tie up lots of loose ends. We’re pushing hard for the Department of Finance to sign-off on the Environmental Farming Scheme – a £100m fund for farmers to help protect nature.

While there is much political uncertainty, it has been agreed that the Assembly will slim down from 108 members to 90. That means each constituency will now elect five, rather than six MLAs.

The breakdown in political relations between the parties raises some serious questions about if, and when, power-sharing will be restored post-election.

PM Teresa May has been very clear that Article 50 will be triggered by the end of March, signalling the start of formal proceedings to disengage from the EU.

Given the current situation at Stormont, there’s real concern that an Executive may not be in place to influence these wider Brexit negotiations. There will be many environmental issues and considerations raised throughout these negotiations and it’s extremely worrying that there may be no functioning Executive/Assembly to represent our interests at a Westminster level.

Our quirky ‘Vote for Bob’ campaign during the Assembly election last May 2016 really got the electorate and candidates talking (find out more here). There isn’t much time until voters go to the polls again, but in the weeks ahead, RSPB NI will be liaising with all political parties and candidates in a bid to push nature higher up the political agenda.

Keep an eye out for next month’s email for information on how you can get involved.