Guest blog by Anne-Marie McDevitt, RSPB NI Head of Conservation

This week will see voters in Northern Ireland go to the polls for the second time in just 10 months, to elect representatives to the Assembly following its dramatic collapse last month.

The environment is never at the top of the politicians’ agendas, often being seen as something that can be left aside as we get the economy sorted out. It’s not an understatement to say that creating a healthy environment is actually the key to everything, especially the economy.

You might wonder how protecting our most important places, places like the rich marine environment of Strangford Lough, the wetlands of Lough Erne and the peatlands of Antrim, benefits more than just the wildlife that lives there.

For a start, it creates a beautiful landscape to live in, for us, visitors and those wanting to work here. Getting out in nature is shown to have significant benefits for our mental health and physical wellbeing, and is now recognised by health providers as one of the potential solutions to the increasing costs of health care. Getting our children switched off from technology and outside in the natural world is key to preventing obesity and promoting good mental health and social skills.

These habitats also provide us with essential services. For example peatlands and wetlands store and slow down water helping to prevent flooding and healthy seas provide us with delicious local seafood for our use and export.

Of course these places are also home to some of our most iconic wildlife – from curlews and Irish hares, to puffins and harbour porpoises. As well as being exciting to see, these species are part of our heritage and we have a moral obligation to protect them for future generations.

There’s no doubt there will be increased budgetary pressure post-Brexit. So now is the time for us to get our environment into the right shape for it to deliver for people, wildlife and the economy.

Ahead of the Assembly Election on Thursday (2 March), please ask your local candidates how they are going to protect our environment if elected. Head to to use our quick email generator. Thank you for being a voice for nature!