Guest blog by Colin Graham, RSPB NI Volunteering Development Officer

The distinctive ‘crex-crex’ call of the corncrake was once a familiar sound in our countryside. But sadly, within a generation, the species has been virtually wiped out in Northern Ireland.

RSPB NI has been working for a number of years to entice corncrake back to Rathlin Island and last May a male was heard calling for more than 50 days – a very encouraging sign!

Every year this charismatic bird makes the long trip from Africa and when they arrive in spring they look for suitable habitat in which to breed.

Corncrakes are shy, secretive birds and look for cover where they can call from and find food. Tall vegetation, like nettles, make the perfect home.

To ensure there’s plenty of ideal areas for the corncrakes to choose from, RSPB NI volunteer work parties gather nettle roots from the mainland and they are ferried to Rathlin for re-planting around the edges of hayfields. At this time of year, the nettles have all died back so no fear of stinging!

When new project volunteers come on board to help they’re often unsure what to expect – so here’s a bit of an overview.

On ‘dig day’, we’ll arrange pick you up or meet you at the location – all you’ll need is old clothes, waterproofs,  wellingtons and a packed lunch (along with a lot of energy!)

When we arrive we’ll get kitted out with gloves and forks and get straight to digging up the rhizomes. It can be quite hard work but it’s very satisfying – especially when you manage to pull up a really big root system all in one go!

A break for lunch (a warming cuppa and sweet treat provided!) gives plenty of time to get to know each other and learn more about how your work will benefit corncrake on Rathlin.

The afternoon session is more of the same – digging, rinsing and bagging up our haul! By the end of the day you’ll have a rosy glow from your efforts and made some new friends along the way. Who knows, you might even agree to come back in spring and help re-plant the rhizomes on Rathlin!

For more information, or to get involved, call 028 9049 1547 during office hours or email