There are so many ways to save nature.

Post Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), a redevelopment of DAERAs Biodiversity Strategy for Northern Ireland already underway, we demand that targets in law for nature protection and restoration are implemented. At the end of the CBD, a Global Deal for Nature was agreed and now we want Northern Ireland’s government departments to implement vital measures that are necessary to halt and reverse nature loss in the forthcoming biodiversity strategy.

There is a significant need for all of us to campaign to raise the bar of ambition for nature protection legislation in Northern Ireland, especially while there is no Executive in place. But while we wait for systemic change, nature needs you.

Taking matters into our own hands to make lifestyle changes and campaign for change has never been more important. In this blog we will give you some easy ways to take action for nature.

We have launched a five-point plan, calling for NI citizens to take action locally.

Individual actions go a long way...

1. Provide water for your local wildlife and install bird boxes ready for feathered friends.

With UK numbers of butterflies down by 17%, moths down by 25%, 16 out of 20 garden birds in population decline and more than a quarter of British mammal species at risk of completely disappearing, being there for your local wildlife is more important than ever.
A shallow dish of water with pebbles is a life saver for bumblebees, hedgehogs and birds! Small log, leaf and rock piles create damp areas for invertebrates to live in, which in turn provide snacks for birds and mammals.
It doesn't matter if you have a small garden or window ledge, you can give birds a home. During the winter, feed them seeds and fruit and in summer, meal worms. You can also build or put up a nest box to encourage birds to nest.

2. Advocate for nature’s recovery.

Join us in campaigning for an ambitious biodiversity strategy so we can create a #NaturePositiveNI
Why not advocate for that species that you love, or have perhaps never been able to see, write a letter to your MLA and join a protest. Local media coverage can really boost a campaign, especially if the local paper or radio station champions your cause. Most elected representatives, business owners or other leaders are keen to keep a good profile, so coverage can help to swing their opinion. Sharing on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter are great ways of spreading your message.
Fill out this form to register your interest in becoming a Campaign Champion

3. Plant wildlife friendly plants and give space for nature to reclaim.

Why not try growing your own food? Planting herbs like thyme and lavender are really easy ways to help pollinators. Let areas of your grass grow and see what wildflowers appear like red and white clover and self-heal. When growing fruit and veg, let it flower, providing even more nectar for pollinators. For example, the flowers from fennel, strawberry and radish seeds are full of pollen, they are also, all edible. Collect native seeds like hazelnuts in the autumn and plant them to grow your own trees. Trees benefit wildlife and people in all sorts of ways including providing food, creating shade, keeping temperatures cooler and storing carbon.

4. Protect species at high risk from climate change by reducing your C02 emissions through lifestyle changes.

Saving nature and halting climate change can feel like an overwhelming task but thinking about our food choices is a simple and effective way to make a difference. We can cut our dietary emissions by 35% by eating more plant-based meals.
Next time you reach for your car keys for a short trip, why not think twice and see if you could go another way? Alternatively attempt to swap longer journeys you take for another means of transport, such as the train or bike.
Flying contributes to 5% of all greenhouse gas emissions, so boycotting aviation is a great way to reduce your C02 output.

5. Reduce the amount you consume.

Reduce, reuse, recycle, and why not litter pick at your favourite nature spot.
Around the world, textile production has a bigger impact on the climate than aviation and shipping combined. It creates chemical and plastic pollution and uses up immense amounts of water. Not just regarding clothes, but all products, by choosing pre-loved and using what you already own for longer, you can drastically reduce carbon emissions and help save nature.
Avoid single use plastics as much as you’re able. Plastic pollution is causing huge harm to wildlife and ultimately, ourselves. Get out to your local nature spots to litter pick. One less line of fishing rope or plastic bag could save an animal, that may have ended up ingesting or getting entangled in it.

Nature also needs our collective efforts!

We achieve so much more when we work together. Team up with your neighbours to create a series of wildlife corridors, create a nature society at your university, start a community veg patch, organise a local beach clean, the list is endless! Take a look at this community alleyway in the heart of Belfast, which is a prime example of a #NaturePositiveNI action! As you can see from the above, there is so much we can all do to stand up for nature.


Find out more on our Nature Positive NI campaign webpage.