Your best three photos for the month of December 2017

It's that time again for your best three photos. Looking forwards to seeing them all and a Happy New Year 2018 to all.

The November thread is Here for 2017

My three.



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  • Very nice selections Jim;   

    Think we're a day early  but not sure I'll get anything tomorrow so here goes;   sorry if  similar pics have been on forum but I like these three lol

    female Stonechat  ......

    one of our two garden Jays .....

    and a beautiful male Snow Bunting 


    Regards, Hazel 

  • Thank you Hazel, I thought I would start if off now might be to busy the next few days :)

    I might have seen one but they are still nice to see before the New Year.



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  • Great start Hazy & James, My first is the return of our local Ring-billed Gull, seen here being chased off by a Common Gull

    Our Black Redstart with his pile of mealies, he now gets tucked in along with the Tits & Robin

    & finally a Hen Harrier on Xmas day

    Not great shots but each has a memory!

    Best wishes

    Hazel in Southwest France

  • I had to wait until today to catch up!  I normally take a few days off between Christmas & New Year, though Mrs WJ worked a couple of them, so I took myself off for a walk locally.  Unfortunately, it rained most of the time, so I got a bit soggy - but you shouldn't let that stop you :-)  Felixstowe beach - a little bit after the wally walking his dog came down the beach to see what I was doing and frightened all the birds away (sigh)

    A different day, but just as soggy and very windy.  This time along the Gulpher Road, on the way back from Felixstowe Ferry (no sign of Clare, or anyone else for that matter - I was pretty much the only idiot about!)

    I was going to include an end-of-year Bittern, but I've only just put up a thread on those, so instead, I'll go with a Minsmere Exmoor Pony.  Like the Koniks, they're used to manage habitat (the Koniks are OK in water, so are often on the scrape, but the Exmoors are less often seen out on the heathland).


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  • Here's my three best photos for December.

    Water Rail at Middleton Lakes

    Nuthatch at Middleton Lakes

    Reed Bunting at Middleton Lakes

  • My favourite 3 from December.

    Little owl that I've been following the last 5 months.

    Nuthatch transfixed to a tree, made it easier to snap with the bridge.

    Grey heron in a local field.

  • A bit late but here's my three for December. One from home and two from the Algarve.

    I liked the way this Redwing was tasting the berry with its tounge.

    Quite a surprise to find Hoopoes still around. This one was taking advantage of the soft turf near a golf course.

    Crag Martins were flying around in abundance. Not the most colourful bird but I was quite chuffed to get one in flight - not easy.



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • That's a beautiful set Tony and a cracking in flight shot of the Crag Martin


    Regards, Hazel