Healthy Weather??

Is it just me or does anyone else delight in this weather. Is it not what winters are supposed to be like. With climate change we're lucky to get it at all.  Its so  much healthier than the mild damp dark driech December and Januarys of years past.  I  remember when we had winters like this year after year maybe not as long lasting but several spells of it  throughtout the season and we got through them.  Less Colds and flus and sniffles    Yes theres lots of talk of how diifficlt it is for birds and animals and it is, and we SHOULD be doing all that we can for them and yes despite all our efforts many won't survive. But surely its not all doom and gloom.

Yes as a consequence  the breeding season MAY be poorer this year, but does it not mean that those breeding in the season to come will be passing on stronger healthier genes to their offspring who then go on to produce prolifically in future years or is that too simplistic.   Nature, I always think, has a way or sorting itself out, Just look at the beauty of this small island we live on, nature did that ,with Wind Fire and Water. Natures magic, just lets hope that mans actions allow Nature do what it does best,  for a long time to come


  • We had another few inches over night here, although there does seem to be a bit warmer than it has been.  We've had a weather warning for heaving snow from midnight though *sigh*

    Actually very little of the snow has cleared here, only on the main roads, our street is compact snow and ice and the footpaths still thick - glad I'm staying in!


    Think this sort of weather does kill of any nasties though, it seems to be the cold damp weather that carries everything.  We may all be healthier by spring then, LOL!