Healthy Weather??

Is it just me or does anyone else delight in this weather. Is it not what winters are supposed to be like. With climate change we're lucky to get it at all.  Its so  much healthier than the mild damp dark driech December and Januarys of years past.  I  remember when we had winters like this year after year maybe not as long lasting but several spells of it  throughtout the season and we got through them.  Less Colds and flus and sniffles    Yes theres lots of talk of how diifficlt it is for birds and animals and it is, and we SHOULD be doing all that we can for them and yes despite all our efforts many won't survive. But surely its not all doom and gloom.

Yes as a consequence  the breeding season MAY be poorer this year, but does it not mean that those breeding in the season to come will be passing on stronger healthier genes to their offspring who then go on to produce prolifically in future years or is that too simplistic.   Nature, I always think, has a way or sorting itself out, Just look at the beauty of this small island we live on, nature did that ,with Wind Fire and Water. Natures magic, just lets hope that mans actions allow Nature do what it does best,  for a long time to come


  • Maybe you are right Susan, maybe the earth is fighting global warming or possibly this weather could be due to global warming messing up nature.

    I just worry about the birds & wildlife who are out in the sticks & cannot receive human support.

  • Maybe it's just me, but last year I think we had worse snow here than we've had so far this year lol

    I think we keep getting softer and unable to cope with whatever the weather throws at us - it's too cold, too hot, too rainy, drought...the weather can't win!  Yet other countries cope with far worse than what we have without griding to a halt!

    Every time some "bad" weather appears the press have to advertise it as "the worst ever" and I think that is what gives the hysteria rather than the people themselves, it's all a media hyped issue.  People should just get on with it, unless they are actually snowed in then there is nothing stopping them going out.  On the news yesterday they said the only ones getting out are dog walkers - well, if someone can get out to walk the dog then there is nothing stopping others getting out as well! 

    Look on the bright side, the ski resorts will be doing well this year!


  • Personally I am enjoying this weather, but I don't have to struggle to work and don't envy those who do. Last winter we had no snow here to speak of. One day I think, and it was mild, like previous winters have been for so many years.

    The frost kills many viruses, and there is no better way to cure a cold and cough virus than to go out in the freezing cold, open your mouth wide and breath in deeply! Trust me, I've done it, and it works!

    We are having some wonderful walks round the fields and by the river. The scenery is fantastic with the snow covered hills, trees and river banks. We can also help the rural wildlife by taking some food with us on these walks. Plenty of people round here are doing that. I have even seen fat balls hanging in the bushes by the river, sultanas and seed, apples and other delicacies are also evident under the bushes and on the fence posts.

    I'm no expert on these matters, but it could be that as the fittest and strongest birds are the ones most likely to survive, they will be more likely to produce healthier babies, and that will be a good thing.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • If I hear "the Big Freeze" once more I will scream!  I don't think this weather is anything that us humans cannot deal with - in 2010!  Weather was worse than this years ago and they didn't have the technology we have today, yet we cannot cope...on a grande scale.

    I find it somewhat embarrassing to be honest, what other countries must think of us....


    I do like to see a snowy landscape and go for walks in it, and yes I think you're right, it probably does help to kill of the bugs that are going around.


    I do feel for the birds and wildlife though, in fact when we went for a walk today I took food with me to put out for the birds on the walkway.  Especially where I know there are Wrens, Robins and a few Goldcrests


  • The local kids certaily seem to be enjoying the weather, there was a load of them with things they could slide down the bank on including one of those giant wheels that you use when swimming lol  I guess they aren't enough sleds to go around!


  • KatTai said:

    The local kids certaily seem to be enjoying the weather, there was a load of them with things they could slide down the bank on including one of those giant wheels that you use when swimming lol  I guess they aren't enough sleds to go around!


    lol. brilliant fun. I hoped for a sledge at Christmas. was told I was too old, so I've been using Bin Liners , children feel sorry for me and have let me have a shot on their sledges a couple of times. never thought of the rubber rings, may give that a shot next week : ) 


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 10/01/2010 23:13 in reply to KatTai

    I agree Sparrow, it's the best way to get rid of a sore throat to go out & breathe cold air.

  • My goodness what a quick thaw occurred during the night.  We have very little snow now just lots of puddles, which the starlings are already utilising for bathing. Its very grey, boooooooo.

  • LOL Susan. The starlings enjoy a bath just about anywhere!

    Yes, it's raining here a bit, and the snow and ice on the roads and pavements has gone horrid and brown looking. The birds will be happy, but it looks awful!

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan I agree! Feels far more like we've had a winter with this sort of weather instead of the wet mild windy stuff we normally get! We had an inch or two again overnight but this time it was 'wet' snow instead of the lovely dry powdery stuff of last week! I hate slush too!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr