Birds this week

Hello All,

The weather was too awful to go birding at the weekend but my garden visitors this week have more than made up for it. 

I continue to see large flocks of 'mixes finches' flying over the field behind the house which is great to watch.    The day before yesterday I had a meadow pipit and three yellowhammers in my lilac tree!  At the same time there was a great spotted woodpecker on the nuts and lots of tits, sparrows and goldies on the seed feeders, whilst a pair of collared doves and a dunnock scavenged on the floor.  Three blackbirds like the ibizia tree in the front garden, where I have also seen a wren a couple of times and the male blackcap is now a regular visitor too.  This morning a pheasant paid a visit.  What next I wonder?

Happy times :-)

There is something new to learn everyday...

  • Lovely photographs SB. They are so clear, Thank you.

  • Hope its OK to post this here.. but I've been dying to tell you about this...


    Woke up this morning and took a peep out of the window to check on snow levels, when I spied a strange plump brown bird in the Garden.  Ive never seen one like it before...

    The only similar bird like it I have ever seen was a Snipe in a brook,(and had to be told what that was)  how odd me thinks.. it must be lost....

    I trot downstairs to put the kettle on and get the Binoculars from near the back window for a better look, I creep up to window and take a look... it has a long beak, dumpy brown type bird, with a strange dash-stop-dash type walk all the time poking the beak in the ground, (a soft unfrozen strip of green grass along the bottom of our Privet hedge), I only got a few seconds look before it took off rapidly.

    I found my RSPB Pocket Guide book (eventually) and looked up Snipe, but on the opposite page there was listed Woodcock, and that's the Birdy I saw.

    A new one for me, and my garden.  Just wanted to share.  :-).



  • Hi Juno,

    Excellent!  How lovely for you - hope it comes back and stays long enough for you to get a photo!

  • Juno, as I mentioned on another thread yesterday, we had a woodcock in our garden. I didn't get a photograph as it hid in a corner bed and didn't appear again before dark.

  • Unknown said:

    Juno, as I mentioned on another thread yesterday, we had a woodcock in our garden. I didn't get a photograph as it hid in a corner bed and didn't appear again before dark.

    According to my book  "Fairly common Breeding resident"  I've never seen one before, and we are an Urban Garden, bit of hedge and too many feeders.

    Ain't nature brilliant.  Still quite chuffed about it.

  • Good for you Juno & Brenda!! What a privilege!

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

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