Birds this week

Hello All,

The weather was too awful to go birding at the weekend but my garden visitors this week have more than made up for it. 

I continue to see large flocks of 'mixes finches' flying over the field behind the house which is great to watch.    The day before yesterday I had a meadow pipit and three yellowhammers in my lilac tree!  At the same time there was a great spotted woodpecker on the nuts and lots of tits, sparrows and goldies on the seed feeders, whilst a pair of collared doves and a dunnock scavenged on the floor.  Three blackbirds like the ibizia tree in the front garden, where I have also seen a wren a couple of times and the male blackcap is now a regular visitor too.  This morning a pheasant paid a visit.  What next I wonder?

Happy times :-)

There is something new to learn everyday...

  • Sounds great SB! You've obvioulsy got everything just right for a variety of species! Got any pics? ;-)

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Nice one  SB, maybe its Winter for real this time and they will all stay around! Good luck.

    For viewing or photography right place right time is everything. I'd rather be in the right place with poor kit than have the best kit and be in the wrong place.

  • Green with envy actually SB ;-) - lucky lucky you is all I can say. Can't believe you get so many different birds.  I do get alot of birds but not such a wonderful variety as you.   Actually I shouldn't say that, all the birds I get are wonderful but to have one or two of a new variety would be the ultimate for me. 

  • Hi SB

    You lucky devil SB.  What a really interesting variety of birds that you have there.

    A pheasant is a nice bonus as they are very attractive to look at though they have no road sense whatsoever.

    I understand that Male Blackcaps can be really bossy at bird tables and chase other birds off very quickly.  wonder why - maybe that is their nature.

    Love to see piccies sometime


    Kathy and Dave

  • Hi everyone,

    Yes, I am very lucky to see all these birds in my garden.  Trouble is, as I've said before in another post, they tend to make me late for work!

    I have taken photos but some of them are not very clear as they were taken through a window and also the light wasn't very good.  It was a very stormy morning - no change there then!  I have tried to enhance them a bit on the PC but there's no substitute for good light. Here they are anyway. 

    Yellowhammer - there were three of these little beauties. 

    Medow Pipit


    Great Spotted Woodpecker

    and again... (Don'tyou just hate those twigs that get in the way?)

    One of my three blackbirds




    House Sparrow


    and finally, these pheasants were a long way off in the distance, really too far for a photo but I took it as proof that I wasn't seeing things!  What do you make of the one on left?

    The picture warrants a witty caption but I can't think of one.  Any suggestions?


    There is something new to learn everyday...

  • Wonderful photos SB. It's great for me to see the yellowhammer and the blackcap as they are two which never visit my feeders. Thanks for sharing them.

    The necessity of bird-watching is a really good reason for avoiding all forms of housework.

    The dust will still be there tomorrow - the birds may not be!

  • SB, lovelt to see the blackcap visits your garden. I am jealous. Great set of photographs. Thank you.

  • Excellent pics! Thanks SB!! Always good to hear about them but even better to see them! :-)

    I can imagine one of the two pheasants that are together saying: ' 'ere, there's that dodgy looking one I told you about earlier!'

    I guess he is a 'mutant'? We have a few around here which are a stunning deep blue / green colour! Also photographed one like it in Scotland:

    "All weeds are flowers, once you get to know them" (Eeyore)

    My photos on Flickr

  • Beautiful photos, and thanks for posting them. I am so envious that people in this Community have the ability to take such lovely pics. I'm hopeless I'm afraid, and don't have any proper equipment, so it is great for me to be able to see real photos of real birds, most of which don't visit my garden. Thank you SB.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous 27/11/2009 17:54 in reply to Rockwolf

    Hi SB

    Fabulous pictures

    Love Yellow Hammers such a lot.  Miss having them around - only had them in Scotland  - not a twinkle of them down in Bedford so far. {sad}

    The Blackcap, and the GSW are just fabulous birds and your picture shows each individual bird as they are. Look forward to seeing more of your pictures in the near future.

    MarJus: Caption for your Pheasant picture 'Here Pet there is the Black Sheep of the family coming our way'

    Well done to you all


    Kathy and Dave