Now I'm really angry an propose to cancel RSPB membership!!! immediately!!

I thought Kate posted well and started a thread hoping that things would quieten down.

I have never responded to the pest and have supported patience in getting this thing sorted.

What happened ?- the post was immediately locked - I think that is incompetent abuse by poorly educated autocracy!!!!!

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Susan H said:
    After all, I had a whole post deleted the other week because I was "speculating" on the reason for the slow site. We are not allowed to speculate any more.

    Oh dear, Sparrow, I did not know about that. That's bad.

    Much as I like many aspects of this forum, the control thing is not for me.

    What has done it for me is the fact that the P posted uninterrupted all weekend, and yet when I thought I made a positive contribution it was stamped on within seconds.

    Unless I get some intelligent feedback tomorrow, I'm off for good - but not before sending comments directly to the RSPB trustees.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • I locked this thread because although it's nice of you to thank me, we don't need a whole thread about it. Everyone has had ample opportunity to have their say already and we will be reading through all the posts and considering how we can improve things in future.

    Posts can be deleted or moved for a number of reasons. Sometimes it's because something has been said already (e.g. if we have lots of threads about the same issue in the Technical problems forum) and duplicate posts can make it harder for us to work out what's going on and help people. We always give a reason when a post is deleted.

    We don't want to censor people's views but we do want to make the Community easy to use (which is why it's helpful to everyone if things stay on topic, so that people know where to look).



  • Unknown said:
    We don't want to censor people's views

    The RSBP does censor peoples' views - on this forum

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Unknown said:

    Posts can be deleted or moved for a number of reasons. Sometimes it's because something has been said already (e.g. if we have lots of threads about the same issue in the Technical problems forum) and duplicate posts can make it harder for us to work out what's going on and help people. We always give a reason when a post is deleted.

    I was censored - my "speculation" was not duplicated by anyone. It was a suggestion I made, no-one else, and was deleted because I was "speculating". I know this is nothing to do with the present issue, but it is a small example of the censorship that goes on. Infuriating when all you are trying to do is help, yet the help is thrown back in your face.

    Sorry Claire - this is your thread. I do apologise.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • Susan H said:
    Sorry Claire - this is your thread. I do apologise.

    No worries, Sparrow.

    Glad you are contributing.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Not being funny, but it's seven o clock on a Sunday, it could wait until morning!

    You are right, what happened on here was disgraceful. Probably a watershed moment to be fair. But if you want it to be fixed this takes planning, and a co-ordinated response, and remember, this is the RSPB, they are all volunteers running this board!

    I'd like to thank Katie for all that she has done on here this evening. I would like to apologise as I suspect I am slightly responsible for dampening her Sunday evening a little. I think she has done exactly what needed to be done this evening. The person was removed, the threads locked. As I said else where, snake hasn't broken any rules. What basis do you have for banning them? We all have our suspicions, but I can't tell you if they are posting from the same IP address etc, so what can you do until tomorrow? Nothing?


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • I do agree Ant! Time to leave off and I am sincerely sorry for Katie if she was "on her own"

    There will, I hope be time to put our grievances across when we see what action is taken tomorrow. I am just so sad that the hopeless way the site is moderated has upset so many people - myself included - when all we want is a good place for friends to meet and chat.

    I trust it is not "RIP hope".

    Thanks for you input


    God gave us two ears and one mouth for a very good reason!

  • Thank you. ;o)


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • Of course snake has broken rules,suspect it was them doing the abuse and if not then they allowed abusive child on here,should be banned completely to stop it happening again.Read about what others have said posts removed and we have had others banned for much smaller abuse and certainly serious threats made by mods.How can anyone suggest snake has not done anything wrong.perhaps another Good Egg recomendation coming up.  

  • Unknown said:

    Not being funny, but it's seven o clock on a Sunday, it could wait until morning!

    You are right, what happened on here was disgraceful. Probably a watershed moment to be fair. But if you want it to be fixed this takes planning, and a co-ordinated response, and remember, this is the RSPB, they are all volunteers running this board!

    I'd like to thank Katie for all that she has done on here this evening. I would like to apologise as I suspect I am slightly responsible for dampening her Sunday evening a little. I think she has done exactly what needed to be done this evening. The person was removed, the threads locked. As I said else where, snake hasn't broken any rules. What basis do you have for banning them? We all have our suspicions, but I can't tell you if they are posting from the same IP address etc, so what can you do until tomorrow? Nothing?



    You are right, and that is what I have stated in previous posts - if you care to look back.

    But you are missing the point :)

    I'm not personally upset about the nature of the P posts, I've seen and heard a lot worse, but I am concerned about the RSPB's reponse. Because of poor moderation these posts were allowed to be viewed over a considerable period of time and yet when a positive post was made it was locked immediately?

    Are you saying that the moderators are volunteers? If they are then that needs to be questioned. Which brings me back to the need for proper professional input - at a cost - and which I think the RSPB should have a serious think about.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake