Now I'm really angry an propose to cancel RSPB membership!!! immediately!!

I thought Kate posted well and started a thread hoping that things would quieten down.

I have never responded to the pest and have supported patience in getting this thing sorted.

What happened ?- the post was immediately locked - I think that is incompetent abuse by poorly educated autocracy!!!!!

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • michael s said:

    Of course snake has broken rules,suspect it was them doing the abuse and if not then they allowed abusive child on here,should be banned completely to stop it happening again.Read about what others have said posts removed and we have had others banned for much smaller abuse and certainly serious threats made by mods.How can anyone suggest snake has not done anything wrong.perhaps another Good Egg recomendation coming up.  


    And this post is not abusive .. sighs!



    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • ClaireM said:

    Not being funny, but it's seven o clock on a Sunday, it could wait until morning!

    You are right, what happened on here was disgraceful. Probably a watershed moment to be fair. But if you want it to be fixed this takes planning, and a co-ordinated response, and remember, this is the RSPB, they are all volunteers running this board!

    I'd like to thank Katie for all that she has done on here this evening. I would like to apologise as I suspect I am slightly responsible for dampening her Sunday evening a little. I think she has done exactly what needed to be done this evening. The person was removed, the threads locked. As I said else where, snake hasn't broken any rules. What basis do you have for banning them? We all have our suspicions, but I can't tell you if they are posting from the same IP address etc, so what can you do until tomorrow? Nothing?




    You are right, and that is what I have stated in previous posts - if you care to look back.

    But you are missing the point :)

    I'm not personally upset about the nature of the P posts, I've seen and heard a lot worse, but I am concerned about the RSPB's reponse. Because of poor moderation these posts were allowed to be viewed over a considerable period of time and yet when a positive post was made it was locked immediately?

    Are you saying that the moderators are volunteers? If they are then that needs to be questioned. Which brings me back to the need for proper professional input - at a cost - and which I think the RSPB should have a serious think about.



    A cost they can ill afford .. it's a charity .. responsible to a trust. Even if it were to happen, there would have to be some serious justification for it.

    As serious as this weekend was .. it's just one instance of serious trolling I can remember?


    Death - Terry Pratchett (The Last Continent).

  • Unknown said:

    A cost they can ill afford .. it's a charity .. responsible to a trust. Even if it were to happen, there would have to be some serious justification for it.

    As serious as this weekend was .. it's just one instance of serious trolling I can remember?


    Again I agree in so far as this weekend is concerned.

    But there is an issue about how free this forum is to discuss topics of interest to a wider captive readership.

    Yes the RSPB is a charity, but it is a very influential charity and as such has the options of choosing how and where money is spent. Getting back on my hobbyhorse, the RSPB obviously see the forum as a platform for promoting their projects and recruiting new members, and so why is it not managed better?

    I quite honestly felt insulted this evening - and not for the first time. When there were difficulties with the site a week or so ago, the initial response was - it's your browser - lack of patience tee hee - nothing to do with us.

    RSPB - not good enough - and I could go on about issues on Mull as well!

    Our daughter gives us membership as an Xmas present each year, but that is going to stop.

    "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom" - Wlliam Blake

  • Unknown said:
    As serious as this weekend was .. it's just one instance of serious trolling I can remember?

    Well I am sorry to disagree but I've never seen anything as serious as this since I've been on the forum since Jan 2010. Katie has done what needed to be done in stopping the obscene posting.

    I've no intention of revoking my my membership of the RSPB - that would be completely counter productive. I do however, have serious concerns over the management of this forum.

    I come on this forum because I enjoy reading about other people's wildlife experiences, sharing my own and enjoying all the wonderful photographs that people post. I don't come here to win Eggs good or bad.

    The very fact that we are spending so much time discussing non wildlife issues tells you something all is not well with the mananagement of this forum



    My Flickr Photostream 

  • Unknown said:
    remember, this is the RSPB, they are all volunteers running this board!

    I was under the impression the staff at The Lodge Headquarters, including the people who manage this forum, are all paid staff. Salaries paid by the RSPB to do a job that includes moderating the forum. I am fairly certain none of them is a volunteer.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Cheers, Linda.

    See my photos on Flickr

  • I think they are all paid staff as well, including the reginal offices, head wardens at reserves as well. So i presume the moderaters are paid as well, because i know their are staff who are in charge of the RSPB website work at The Lodge as i had to phone them once when i had problems accessing The RSPB website.




  • Some of you will have worked out my background so it will be no surprise that I stand fully behind the RSPB even when there are single issues that I might be unhappy about.  What I would ask all of you to think about is that there was a problem with one person accessing this site, he is now gone yet he has clearly achieved his aim and is still creating a problem, although now between members of this forum.  My vote is just to carry with what this site does well - exchanging advice, comments and our support and knowledge of birds and their habitats.

  • Hi-

    we have 3 problems here as far as I'm concerned.

    1-  Trolling; it happens, you get used to it. Best way is to ignore the idiot until they get bored or banned

    2- Mods dealing with tech problems outside office hours ; Depending on the type of forum set-up they may not be able to access information/ Mod privileges from an outside computer. If they can't they are as helpless as we are.

    3- Perceived attitude of the RSPB.  This is the internet, misunderstandings are common and  happen a lot.  



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  • This idiot is still causing problems therefore he is winning.

    If he is from Barnsley I feel ashamed



             a good laugh is better than a tonic

  • I am so sad to see members arguing, as it's normally such a friendly forum and i hope it gets back to been like that as soon as possible.


